Knowledge Management Tool?



Hello all,

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.

The crux of the system would lie in the search capabilities that allows
one to search against keywords, catagories, and other metadata.

I realize many CMS systems approach this functionality, and I'll
consider any suggestions of any of them, but I'd prefer something
non-web based.

Heck, if something was close, I'd even pay for it, i.e. I'll even
consider commercial software.

Any suggestions?


Gerard Bok

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.

The crux of the system would lie in the search capabilities that allows
one to search against keywords, catagories, and other metadata.

I realize many CMS systems approach this functionality, and I'll
consider any suggestions of any of them, but I'd prefer something
non-web based.

Heck, if something was close, I'd even pay for it, i.e. I'll even
consider commercial software.

In the latter case you could look around at
That's a free form database that allows you to add any amount of
stucture you want.
(Both on data entry and afterwards.)


Thanks for the suggestion, I may evaluate that, but at $150 dollars for
a non-indexing version, it's a pretty steep price.

mike ring

(e-mail address removed) wrote in
Hello all,

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.
I don't know if you'd like to check Neomem;

I d/led it and it looks pretty good, like a more versatile treepadlite.

I meant to try it, but I've got so much data to move from Treepadlite, and
there doesn't seem to be an easy way, (top & tail, cut & paste, on & on...)

But when I get a round tuit...


B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.

Sounds a bit like very specialized data categorization. Only you can
tell what's the best structure for your data. So take any database
program and built a structure (and maybe some forms and reports) until
it suits your needs.

Take a look at:

It is a PHP based Knowledge management interface to a MySQL database.


Susan Bugher

mike said:
I don't know if you'd like to check Neomem;

I d/led it and it looks pretty good, like a more versatile treepadlite.

Neomem looks interesting Mike. :)
I meant to try it, but I've got so much data to move from Treepadlite, and
there doesn't seem to be an easy way, (top & tail, cut & paste, on & on...)

Tip of the day. . . ;)

Keynote has more export options than Treepad. so. . .

I usually import Treepad files into Keynote and export as text files
from there.

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Kansas Boiled Beef

(e-mail address removed) (Gerard Bok):
In the latter case you could look around at asksam..

What is this newsgroup called?
Now, go and look up the meaning of the word freeware.


mike ring

Neomem looks interesting Mike. :)

It was posted here a month or so back
Tip of the day. . . ;)

Keynote has more export options than Treepad. so. . .

I usually import Treepad files into Keynote and export as text files
from there.
That's a good idea; I don't think it will work for Neomem except the hard
way, as I see on their forum that importing from Keynote and treepad is
still on their wish list.

I've never had to export from Treepad much, as for me it's more of a lookup

I found moving a few things quite wearing, how you would ever transfer your
megabytage without an import prog beats me.


Sietse Fliege

Hello all,

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.

The crux of the system would lie in the search capabilities that
allows one to search against keywords, catagories, and other metadata.

I realize many CMS systems approach this functionality, and I'll
consider any suggestions of any of them, but I'd prefer something
non-web based.

Heck, if something was close, I'd even pay for it, i.e. I'll even
consider commercial software.

Any suggestions?


Maybe EverNote

Windows 2000/XP/XP Tablet PC Edition


(e-mail address removed) :
I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.

Maybe this comes anywhere near to what you are looking for.

"The Literary Machine is a dynamic archive and an idea management tool
aimed at creative thinking — built especially with the writer in mind.
It is packed with indexing and display techniques so general and
potent that you will use it as an intelligence center. In a class by
itself, it is virtually an extension of your brain. So, write in it.
Collect and sort information and ideas in it. Make it your treasure
chest of random notes and ideas for analysis and future reference.
For, it will serve you well as the substance, catalyst, and processor
for relating or reusing them in creative combinations. (....)
The Literary Machine (LM) is a tool for organizing, recalling, and
recombining information. Any information — Web links, sound files or
pictures — not just text. Some like the program as a tool for
immediate planning. Others use it for keeping thoughts and fragments
of work or information that could be valuable someday. In other words,
you can use it for memory or organization or both."

I think it has quite a learning curve though.


Susan Bugher

mike said:
It was posted here a month or so back

Yup, saw it, never got around to trying it - till just now. . .
That's a good idea; I don't think it will work for Neomem except the hard
way, as I see on their forum that importing from Keynote and treepad is
still on their wish list.

Having to do it the hard way is right. . . in spades. . .

I was thinking you could export to text files, import those into NeoMem.
When I tried doing that I was underwhelmed. . . Neomem can only import
text files ONE AT A TIME. Yuck! I quit looking at the app right about
then. . .
I've never had to export from Treepad much, as for me it's more of a lookup

I use Treepad for that too (of course) :) but I also use it to create
lots of web pages at one swell foop => spreadsheet data to .csv file
(usually via dbEdit) to Treepad to Keynote -> exported to individual
..txt files (then batch renamed to .htm files). I've created web pages
with family tree info, photo pages, recipe pages, etc. etc. etc. -
hundreds of web pages at one go. . . :) :) :)
I found moving a few things quite wearing, how you would ever transfer your
megabytage without an import prog beats me.

Lots of ways to import/export in Treepad and Keynote. IMO that's one of
many good reasons for using those apps. Any contender has to be able to
do at least as well in that department. . .

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to input
short snippets of information. Then one would be able to assign a
number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined catagories, or
use other metadata type stuff.
take any database program and built a structure (and maybe some forms and
reports) until it suits your needs.

Just another thought if the above approach seems to hard for you. You
can take a program like CueCards 2000 or TreepadLight and add keywords
to any of your article entries. Make sure to give each keyword a unique
prefix to avoid finding redundant entries within articles of other
subjects. (As a sample: A 'kw_freeware' entry should only pop-up on
articles you wrote it to, while 'freeware' might appear anywhere.)

Both programs mentioned support a 'Find results' window which can stay
open. (And can be used to browse to the found articles.) No need to
say that you only can find keywords one by one. No logical conjunctions
between keywords (and similar goodies you could set up inside your own
database) are supported...



mike ring

Having to do it the hard way is right. . . in spades. . .

I was thinking you could export to text files, import those into
NeoMem. When I tried doing that I was underwhelmed. . . Neomem can
only import text files ONE AT A TIME. Yuck! I quit looking at the app
right about then. . .

Actually, I'm glad we had this little chat - I could juast about do that; I
was topping and tailing each *node*, and pasting into Neomem!
I use Treepad for that too (of course) :) but I also use it to create
lots of web pages at one swell foop => spreadsheet data to .csv file
(usually via dbEdit) to Treepad to Keynote -> exported to individual
.txt files (then batch renamed to .htm files). I've created web pages
with family tree info, photo pages, recipe pages, etc. etc. etc. -
hundreds of web pages at one go. . . :) :) :)

Wow, a power user in no trumps! I always wondered how you coped with ACF.
Lots of ways to import/export in Treepad and Keynote.

You've certainly opened my eyes! Of course the real question is why move
from an app I'm happy with? ...and a quote from the writer(?) of Neomem on
the subject of import and export

"ah, plain text is always good for storing information. unlike neomem,
which has remained tied to the binary MFC format (planning to correct that
with the upcoming version, at least by export)."

Which worries me, even thouhg I don't have a clue what he's on about, as
bitter experience says text stored incomprehensibly can become unavailabe
by disaster (or user error!)


B. R. 'BeAr' Ederson

On 30 Dec 2005 11:04:13 GMT, mike ring wrote:

Which worries me, even thouhg I don't have a clue what he's on about, as
bitter experience says text stored incomprehensibly can become unavailabe
by disaster (or user error!)

As long as you don't encrypt your file, your data isn't too much at
risk. A NeoMem file is just a container for *.rtf files with some
additional information around them. If you need to get your notes
back without NeoMem, then you just need to extract all *.rtf files.

To regain structural information (parent/sibling relations and such)
you'd need to invest more afford, though. (Which most possibly isn't
worth the time needed...)


mike ring

As long as you don't encrypt your file, your data isn't too much at
risk. A NeoMem file is just a container for *.rtf files with some
additional information around them. If you need to get your notes
back without NeoMem, then you just need to extract all *.rtf files.

Thanks for that, binary MFC kinda scared me :~0



(e-mail address removed) wrote in
Hello all,

I'm looking for a knowledge management tool that allows me to
input short snippets of information. Then one would be able to
assign a number of free-text keywords, assign it to pre-defined
catagories, or use other metadata type stuff.

This probably isn't what the OP is looking for, but I'm including it
here for the sake of completeness in case anyone googles the topic.
Freemind is an excellent mind mapping/free association type of tool. I
use it for several research projects and (as a simple example from my
personal passtimes) to follow the plot of complicated novels such as
those by Iain M. Banks.

Susan Bugher

mike said:
Actually, I'm glad we had this little chat - I could juast about do that; I
was topping and tailing each *node*, and pasting into Neomem!

Well *I'm* glad that was a useful tip - I've gotten many here in ACF,
always happy when I can offer one. . .
Wow, a power user in no trumps! I always wondered how you coped with ACF.

Mostly with spreadsheets - because the data is easy to manipulate there.

My Treepad software file has the unstructured info that doesn't store
well in a spreadsheet (copies of posts, notes, etc. etc. etc.).

NeoMem is trying to combine the two types of storage (structured and
unstructured) - nice concept but IMO the execution is lacking. I think
talking about adding the ability to import Treepad and Keynote files
when the app isn't able to import multiple text files is a case in
point. Too much focus on the "grand plan", not enough attention to the
You've certainly opened my eyes! Of course the real question is why move
from an app I'm happy with? ...


Good question. :) One advantage of *any* app you're used to using is the
ability to get right down to business. A new app has to offer me
something *much* better - if it doesn't I usually stick to the one I'm
used to. . . sometimes for longer than I should. . .

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)


Kansas said:
(e-mail address removed) (Gerard Bok):

What is this newsgroup called?
Now, go and look up the meaning of the word freeware.

Kansas, a little smile, please. The poster explicitely asked for. So ..

I shall also answer the question for free knowledge management programs: (German, reads also OpenOffice & pdf files)

Hope this helps

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NickC said:
(e-mail address removed) wrote in

This probably isn't what the OP is looking for, but I'm including it
here for the sake of completeness in case anyone googles the topic.
Freemind is an excellent mind mapping/free association type of tool. I
use it for several research projects and (as a simple example from my
personal passtimes) to follow the plot of complicated novels such as
those by Iain M. Banks.
This looks interesting. Do you have some diagram from your work ? I
looked into freemind but did not find it intuitive. Maybe my mind is too
much training into thinking in logical chains, or rings, i.e. one
thing follows the other. So, I simple outlining helps me better.


/me is listening to (Artist - Back In The Days-60's 70's & 80's-Live
D.J.) at (Chilly's Vibes/Real Old School Radio/A Smooth Blend Of
Funk,Disco,R&B,& Motown/From The 60's 70's & 80's) using Screamer Radio

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border="0" alt="Get Firefox!" title="Get Firefox!"

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