Keystroke to select a 'ractangle' of text



Not having used it for a while, I forgot the keystroke that lets WORD know
the text you are about to select (i.e., immediately after that keypress) is
to be considered a 'rectangle' of text.

Would someone please remind me what that keystroke is?

This is in WORD 2003, though I assume it hasn't changed.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Column select in Word 2003 is Alt+drag. You must be careful to let up on the
Alt key before you let up on the mouse button; otherwise, this registers as
a "click," and the Research pane opens.


Thanks. Isn't there also a 'kb-only' method of selecting a rectangle --
involving the F8 (or '8') key plus some combination of Shift, Ctl and/or Alt?

-- i.e., you press that kb combination at the start point of the rectangle,
then relocate at the end point and click the mouse to define the rectangle
(but don't have to drag to create the rectangle).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Aha! This was actually a new one on me. Ctrl+Shift+F8, then use the arrow
keys to select a column. You can find this in the Help topic "Select text
and graphics."

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