Keyed Collection and derived classes



I have created an abstract class inheriting from KeyedCollection<long,
TItem> to use as a base class for my collections. In some derived classes I
am providing a new indexer property for the key (long). I need to access my
collection by index and by key however the new long indexer is used for BOTH
int and long, i.e. myCollection[(int)0] will use the long indexer NOT the
base classes int indexer. Why is that? The workaround is to also define a
new int indexer in the derived class but this should not be necessary.



Sample code to demonstrate the problem.

static void Main(string[] args)
MyItemCollection collection = new MyItemCollection();
collection.Add(new MyItem(50));
collection.Add(new MyItem(60));

// this should use the public int indexer defined in MyBaseCollection<TKey,
Console.WriteLine(collection[(int)0].MyLongKey == 50);

public class MyBaseCollection<TKey, TItem> : KeyedCollection<TKey, TItem>
protected override TKey GetKeyForItem(TItem item)
return default(TKey);

public new TItem this[int index]
return base.Items[index];

public class MyBaseCollection<TItem> : MyBaseCollection<long, TItem>
where TItem : ILongKeyed
protected override long GetKeyForItem(TItem item)
return item.MyLongKey;

public interface ILongKeyed
long MyLongKey

public class MyItemCollection : MyBaseCollection<MyItem>
public new MyItem this[long key]
return base[key];

public class MyItem : ILongKeyed
public MyItem(long key)
this.key = key;

private long key;
public long MyLongKey
return this.key;

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