Keyboard Error on Startup



I am using Windows XP Pro SP2, fully updated.

I have purchased a Microsoft Cordless Keyboard and Mouse unit. I have
installed the software and when it is operating all functions work fine. It
is connected to a USB Port. Both the Keyboard and Mouse are shown in Device
Manager with no conflicts

When the computer is restarted I get a message that there is a keyboard
error or the keyboard is not found. I then have to close down using the
power button.

I then change the connection to the PS/2 Ports and boot the computer,
Windows recognised the Keyboard and Windows loads normally but the mouse is
inoperative. I then have to disengage the PS/2 Connections and plug the USB
connection in the USB port, windows then finds the hardware and installs it
and all is fine from then on, unless I reboot and then I have to follow the
same sequence.

Can anyone assist me with this please as it is getting quite frustrating and
I can't find the solution.


Thanks for your reply Jaren, but if the BIOS wasn't configured as you say
why would the other applications like Scanner, Printer, digital camera and
flash drive, in addition to others work OK?

Any further thoughts?


Joe said:
Thanks Malke, your explanation enables me to see the logic of what
Jaren said.

I have gone into the BIOS but nowhere can I find a setting to enable
USB as such, but when I open the Integrated Peripherals Section I see
that USB 0,1,2.2.0 Access Interface are all set to EDB Bus.

Also the SIS Onchip PCI Device/SIS USB Controller/2.0 Support and
Keyboard Support are enabled.

I cannot find any reference to Legacy either unless it's somewhere I
can't find.

Are you able to offer me any further help please
Apparently your computer is set properly to recognize USB devices on
boot. Your next step is to contact the makers of the keyboard for tech


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