Keyboard and Sound



I recently upgraded my desktop system from Windows ME to
XP. I can no longer use the controls (volume, CD/DVD,
shortcuts) on my multifunction keyboard. I also have no
sound. I hooked up my CPU to another system (different
monitor, keyboard, mouse) and the sound worked (after
upgrading the soundcard driver), but it still won't work
with the rest of my system. I don't know if the sound
problem is related to the keyboard functions or not. The
speakers are definitely hooked up into the right place
and the system sound settings are turned up and not muted.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Update your keyboard and sound card drivers from the makers of the hardwares
website for use on xp. The keyboard may need a program update as well(the
program you use to setup the keyboard custom keys).


Go to the keyboard manufacturers website and download the latest software
for your keyboard. It's most likely a driver issue that is causing your


Thank you for the replies.

As I stated, the soundcard driver has already been
upgraded. And Gateway does not seem to offer any upgrades
for the keyboard driver for Windows XP - at least not
that I have been able to find. I contacted Gateway about
the problem, but because I bought the XP upgrade software
from a store and not from them, they will not offer me
support on this issue.

Again, any help is appreciated.


I don't know what kind of gateway keyboard you have but I find several (10
or 20) keyboard drivers for xp available for download off of the gateway
website. Take a look here:
I found lots of sound drivers also, check here:

If none of those are correct, try the drivers that came with the computers.
Most likely gateway provided some type of driver disk for your computer. The
original drivers should be on there.
If all else fails call gateway back and tell them your thinking about
upgrading to xp and want to make sure the keyboard and sound will work. See
what they say and see if they can tell you where the drivers are. Don't tell
them you upgraded already.


Still no luck with the keyboard. I have the Multifunction
Keyboard (P/N #7001603), and the only driver that a
search of the P/N on the Gateway site reveals is this:
param=7001603&st=pn&x=17&y=12 - it's supported no later
than ME/2000. I do have the driver disk supplied by
Gateway when I purchased my PC, but it would have only
this same driver on it.

When you call Gateway support, you must give them your
PC's serial number. Therefore, I have no way of calling
back without them finding in the notes for my account
that I've already called and spoken to someone about this.

Since my sound worked when hooked up to another system, I
guess I'm hesitant to make any changes to that until I'm
convinced it's not being affected by the lack of the
keyboard controls.

Thanks again for your help.

Sharon F

Since my sound worked when hooked up to another system, I
guess I'm hesitant to make any changes to that until I'm
convinced it's not being affected by the lack of the
keyboard controls.

Have you considered trying a different multimedia keyboard? When I had an
HP computer, this was one of the first things I replaced on it. Different
operating system back then but had the same problem obtaining updates for
the HP hot key software.


The windows 2000 drivers in most cases work fine with XP as both win2k and
xp are built in the nt kernal. Try the 2000 drivers and see what happens.
You can always do a driver roll back if your keyboard stops working.
Otherwise you may need to just get a new keyboard, if you can't find drivers


Actually, I just borrowed a standard (non-multimedia)
keyboard from work today. I'll give that a try when I get



Thanks. I'm going to try a standard keyboard tonight to
see if that makes any difference. If not, I'll check out
the 2000 drivers.

I've also discovered that I get a winmenu.exe error when
I try to run my system restoration disks to look at the
original drivers. I had problems with that after I first
upgraded, but thought it was fixed because it worked when
hooked up to that other system. But the error reappeared
after being hooked back up to my system.


You're welcome. I don't know what winmenu.exe is, you might have to check
with the oem on that one.
Hopefully the win2k drivers or the other keyboard will help you out.


Ok, new development here...and this really doesn't make
any sense to me. If I unplug my speakers and plug in
headphones to the speaker jack (which is what was done on
the other system to check the sound card), the sound
works. But when I hook the speakers back up, it doesn't.
The speakers are getting juice and you can hear them make
a sound when you turn them on, so it seems like they're
working (and they were before the upgrade). Why would
headphones work and speakers not, if the speakers are
functioning properly?

Also, I tried installing the multifunction keyboard
updated driver (supporting Windows 2000) from That didn't make any difference. When the
system was off, I also tried unplugging my keyboard and
plugged in the standard Gateway keyboard that I borrowed.
But the system wouldn't even start. Do I need to
uninstall the keyboard, then shut down and plug in the
borrowed one for it to work?

Sharon F

When the
system was off, I also tried unplugging my keyboard and
plugged in the standard Gateway keyboard that I borrowed.
But the system wouldn't even start. Do I need to
uninstall the keyboard, then shut down and plug in the
borrowed one for it to work?

Technically, yes, you should uninstall the one keyboard before installing
the other. More importantly, you'll want to uninstall the HotKeys software
as well. Shutdown. Attach other keyboard. Startup and let new keyboard


Another idea down the tubes. I uninstalled my keyboard
(and the hotkeys software), turned off my system,
unplugged my keyboard, and plugged in the borrowed system still wouldn't start. :(

Sharon F

Another idea down the tubes. I uninstalled my keyboard
(and the hotkeys software), turned off my system,
unplugged my keyboard, and plugged in the borrowed system still wouldn't start. :(

Are you saying that the system will not start at all unless you use the
original keyboard? Well, that really stinks. At least my HP let me use a
Logitech or MS keyboard. Has HP really become that pushy about what
hardware you can/can't use?

Anyhow, something you said in one of your other posts about the speakers
stuck out for me. What happens if you connect those to a different system?
Do they work?

Also, when speakers seem to be okay but do not emit sound, check that
Volume level is okay. If the speakers have physical volume controls in
addition to being controlled by software, may have to play a bit to get the
right balance between Volume Controls and the volume adjusters on the
speakers. Don't forget to check that the Mute box isn't checked in Volume
Controls and that the Mute button on the keyboard isn't active.


Yes, for some reason, it won't startup at all with the
other keyboard attached. It's a Gateway keyboard, as is
mine and the rest of my system, so I don't understand why
it won't work. When I turned it on, it just sat on the
black/blank screen with the cursor in the upper left
corner...and sat there and sat there.

Our PC guy here at work just loaned me a set of speakers
and cables identical to mine to take home and see if
those will work. I would have plugged mine into something
else last might if I could have found something. He
thinks one of the cables may be bad - or even the
speakers themselves. So maybe it's just a coincidence
that they stopped working when I upgraded. I had checked
all the system volume settings before. Everything is
turned up and nothing muted. Fingers crossed that these
other speakers/cables will solve the issue. The sound is
more important to me than the hotkeys on the keyboard.


Yes sounds to me like your speakers died. It's a common thing.
As for the keyboard, if the borrowed keyboard is a USB keyboard try a PS/2


Both keyboards (mine and the borrowed one) are PS/2. I
don't think I have access to a USB one to try it.


You gotta love OEM........ (idiots). All this time I thought we were talking
about usb keyboards, sorry. PS/2 keyboard problems are not common. Anyway,
if it ps/2 and they have no software/drivers that work, then I think your
SOL. And since another keyboard won't work(must be a bios/serial number
thing) that rules buying a new one out. And since gateway won't help you
since you bought xp somewhere else, again it sounds like your SOL. You gotta
love these oem's that just abandon there users. (hint: next time don't buy
oem, build it yourself or have someone build it for you). So it looks like
you have a few options(none good)
1 - live with the keyboard not working correctly
2 - buy xp from gateway and make them help you getting yours to work or a
new gateway keyboard to work
3 - climb tall building and throw computer over edge, watch explosion,
laugh, and buy a new real computer without hardware limitations

This is another reason why I tell every computer user I can reach. Do not
buy oem, in the long run you get screwed and the few dollar savings isn't
worth it. Custom built locally is the only way to go(preferrably by someone
who isn't on the ms oem plan)


LMAO! As far as I'm concerned, option 2 is totally out of
the question. And although I would DEARLY love to go with
option 3 right now, I'm guessing I'll have to settle for
option 1. :)~ But I can live with that. Now if I can
only resolve the sound and winmenu.exe issues.....

I could never build a system myself (I only know enough
to be dangerous!), but I'll definitely look into a custom-
built one next time around. Thanks again for all your

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