Keeping text on top of other text



This is hard to explain, so I hope this makes sense. I have information in
cell 1A that is too long for the carriers over into cell 1B. I
actually want it to do this. Unfortunately, as soon as i type something in
1B...the text in 1A hides behind 1B. How do I force 1A back on top so it
covers over some of the info in cell 1B?

I realize most people are thinking, "Why the hell would you want to do
that!?" but trust me...I assure you...I really DO want this to work this way!

Thanks, in advance, for any help! :)


T. Valko

I don't think this is possible. That's just how Excel works.

Why don't you just widen column A so the text fits into the cell without
overflowing? Or, you can use line feeds so the text is "stacked" in the
cell. For example:

A1 = All this in one cell

A1 = All this in
one cell

To get that to happen you'd type: All this in<ALT ENTER>one cell

<ATL ENTER> means hold down the ALT key then hit ENTER.

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