Keeping text control characters (line breaks / carriage returns) in DetailsView field


Bazza Formez

I have a bound field in a DetailsView control that displays free form
description type data from my SQL database table (typical data is a
couple of paragraphs of written product description being held in a
single database field of type ntext).

This description data typically has various simple control characters
in it - ie. new line, carriage returns etc) to make the paragraph more

My problem is that these control characters are lost / don't work....
When I run the application all text in the field displays as a simple
lump of text.. without any new lines etc.

Below is the simple definition I am using inside the DetailsView..

<asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description"
SortExpression="Description" />

Can anyone suggest a solution ?


Alexey Smirnov

I have a bound field in a DetailsView control that displays free form
description type data from my SQL database table (typical data is a
couple of paragraphs of written product description being held in a
single database field of type ntext).

This description data typically has various simple control characters
in it - ie. new line, carriage returns etc) to make the paragraph more

My problem is that these control characters are lost / don't work....
When I run the application all text in the field displays as a simple
lump of text.. without any new lines etc.

Below is the simple definition I am using inside the DetailsView..

<asp:BoundField DataField="Description" HeaderText="Description"
SortExpression="Description" />

instead of BoundField use a TemplateField

<%# Replace(Container.DataItem("Description"), vbCrLf, "<br>") %>

and in C# use

Replace("\n", "<br>");

Bazza Formez

instead of BoundField use a TemplateField

<%# Replace(Container.DataItem("Description"), vbCrLf, "<br>") %>

and in C# use

Replace("\n", "<br>");- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thank you very much Alexey!

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