Keeping Form Windows Maximized


Jack G

I like to have my database displayed inside an application window that uses
maybe 1/3 of the space on my screen (I think this is called a "Restore"
window) and I like the forms themselves to maximized within the application
window. I've added code everywhere I could think of to keep the forms
maximized, but it seems awkward that everytime I switch from one form to
another, I see the form blinking as it goes from Restored to Maximized.
Also if I use the keyboard shortcut (alt-tab) to jump to a different form,
the form won't maximize, or if I go into design mode and back, the form
won't be maximized.

Isn't there some way to tell the form that its default window state should
be Maximized??

I would also like it if I could define the application window'w Restore size
and lock it into that size, but I don't see a way to that either.

Any help will be appreciated.



Its an awkward problem.
Where are you maximizing the form?
Try doing it in the load event and/or activate event.
Also try putting 'docmd.echo false' before the maximize and 'docmd.echo
true' after. You could also try making the form invisible until after the
Make sure you also have an on error block that also does a docmd.echo true


Jack G

Currently I'm maximizing them as an event in the command button that Opens
the Form. But if I get to the form some other way, such as Alt-Tab, that
event gets missed, and it opens in a Restore Window.

I tried the Load Event and the Activate Event per your suggestion, and they
don't seem to work either.


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