"Keep source formatting" as default paste option?



Howdy All,

I compile PPTs from other PPTs a lot and I almost always want to keep the
source formatting when I'm cutting and pasting slides in.

Is there an option to set the default pasting operation to 'Keep Source
Formatting'? (instead of pasting, then selecting this option everytime)


Echo S

Brian said:
Howdy All,

I compile PPTs from other PPTs a lot and I almost always want to keep the
source formatting when I'm cutting and pasting slides in.

Is there an option to set the default pasting operation to 'Keep Source
Formatting'? (instead of pasting, then selecting this option everytime)

Unfortunately, there's not.


Hi Brian

An alternative is to use Insert->Slides from file then there's a tick box
for 'Keep source formatting' (or alt+k is the keyboard shortcut - see how the
k is underlined?). Still can't be set as default, but you might find it
quicker. You can also set up other presentations as 'favourites' rather than
going looking for them every time which might speed things up for you too if
you do this a lot.

MOS Master Instructor
South Australia

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