kb835732 - Small tip in removing this patch



After i had installed this patch , System was using 90-
98% of cpu.
I was unable to remove the patch when i was logged into a
It was able to remove it when i was logged on locally. (
Eventhough it took about 2 hours to do it)

Mark McBride

Same problem here. Except time times 5 on my 200 MHz Thinkpad Upside
was the ability to remove it through add/remove programs in control
panel. But this update is a piece of crap. Microsoft announces to the
world there's a critical hoile in the software and then puts out a
piece of grabage. Thanks a whole hell of a lot. They better come up
with an update to this update.


Ouch! The update just went off the air. In the meantime I
have spent the last 3 hours downloading an update that has
failed 3 times to install. Caveat emptor.

I'm on a Compaq M700, Windows 2K.

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