KB832894 fails to install...


Ed Buffey

First, I tried the normal route. I went to Windows Update
to install this critical update. The install ends with
the failure to pass Windows Logo message.

Then I downloaded KB832894 directly. Same thing happens
except afterwards I get another message: "INF install
failure. Reason: No signature was present in the subject."

I searched the knowledge base for that last error. The
only article that appears is for Windows 2000. I'm using
Windows XP.

Any ideas?


Hi I had this problem once and this is how I cured it. It worked for me so hope it does the same for you

I had a problem last month on my computer keep trying to download and instal
something that had been installed previously by windows. You sent instructions on ho
to put it right but not one of them worked. I am now going to explain on how t
do it the easy way should anybody else get the same problem

1 Use windows Explorer to open system 32 in the Windows folde
2 locate the subfolder named CatRoot2 and rename it CR2ol
3 Try Windows update again
4 If it works you can delete the CR2old folder
5 It's also a good idea to disable any antivirus and Web Accelerator software you use

Please let me know if this helped by replying here

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