Justify without return



I am having a bit of difficulty using the word justification. I have setup a
table and I wan the text within a cell to be justified (left and right) ...
but I do not want to have an extra line (due to a soft return). Is this
Possible? And if so how?

Jay Freedman

Matt said:
I am having a bit of difficulty using the word justification. I have
setup a table and I wan the text within a cell to be justified (left
and right) ... but I do not want to have an extra line (due to a soft
return). Is this Possible? And if so how?

Hi Matt,

You can apply the Justified alignment to the text in a cell. However, the
last line of a paragraph (or the only line, if the paragraph is less than
one full line) is never justified, in or out of a table.

If you're referring to the trick of placing a manual line break
(Shift+Enter) at the end of a paragraph to force that last line to justify,
then that won't work -- the line break will force the table's cell marker to
the next line, which will appear empty.

You may be able to fake it by placing a right-aligned tabstop at the right
margin of the cell and placing a tab character somewhere in the last line,
and/or you can select some of the text of the last line and use Format >
Font > Character Spacing to spread the characters enough to fill the line.
Beware of this last one, though, because sending the document to a different
printer will alter the spacing, possibly enough to create another line.


Thanks Jay, I thought that was the case. It isn't exactly what I want but it
will have to do.

Take care

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