Just can't install XP!



I'm living a hell. Afew days ago, I complained that due to my intensive
use of diskeeper 9, I was getting problems with my harddisks, well I
don't know if it's related in any way, but my installation of Windows
XP started ****in up badly : some programs becoming extremely unstable,
Windows did too, at the point I decided to re-install it, the XP skin
thing was even going away.

The problem is that the reinstallation didn't succeed, and I couldn't
boot XP at all. So I tried reinstalling XP from scratch in other
folders (for like WINDOWS2, WINDOWS3, WINDOWS4 etc..) and I actually
tried that about 6 or 7 times, everytime was unsuccesful.

Most of the time, when the installer was copying files to be installed,
it was saying that some file (for example driver.cab or some .dll)
couldn't be read, sometimes it said this for a file, and after pressing
return it could be read correctly, sometimes it would just get stuck on
a file, and when trying to install again, it would be ok on that file
and get stuck on another random file.

Anyways, even when I could do it without having any files ignored, I
would still get all kinds of possible errors. I once managed to install
XP and actually boot it, but when I installed the nForce 2 drivers, the
system instantly rebooted when it was getting to the audio driver part
(near the end of it, so maybe the problem was really the next driver to
be installed).

I've had many BSOD's, a couple 0x00000050's, also a 0x0000007B, and the
latest one told me i had a problem with a hard disk and that i should
chkdsk /f it. That's what I did, and it did not reveal any problem.
Also, during the installation, sometimes the system would just reboot
(it often happened) and then it would come back to the installation,
often getting stuck at the installation of peripherials (about when it
displays "35 minutes left")

So far I'm running out of solutions, I don't know what's really making
the installation fail, mostly that in spite of the recent problems i've
had with my hard disk (on chkdsk's it was notifing my about problematic
index entries in $I30) it seems to be sane, and i've never had such a
problem before. Now I might try installing it on another computer on
this hard disk and then put the hard disk back into the computer on
which i've got problems (both motherboards are ASUS so it should be
alright?), but i'm really opened to any suggestions so I can put XP
back on my computer


At this point, you have no other choice but to do a CLEAN install
of XP which will format your harddrive. I doubt if Restore will work
nor will a Repair install of XP work. All your additional installations,
documents, photos, etc. will be deleted. One alternative is to try a
Safe Mode boot and see if that works. Always backup or copy your
documents to a CD or external device such as another recording device.
"How to Boot in Safe Mode"

Clean Installation XP


I remember someone talking about Disk Keeper9 but don't remember details
probably good thing.

I question the actual CD, CD dive and your HDD?
Actually I would perform a "Clean Install"!! Erase yuor HDD. Repartition
and reformat HD!! Start from scratch. Windows will check integrity of HD when


What Windows CD do you have?
Full, upgrade, OEM, or restore/recovery CD.
Home or Pro?

I think I would throw away Disk Keeper!!!!

George Hester

First I would not use Diskeeper. It is not necessary. So what if you can
defrag every single file on your drive and at boot. The benefit is

The errors you are getting about "cannot be read" is one of two things:

1) Bad Media. The CD-ROM you are using to install is defective.

2) The Media reader in this case the CD-ROM drive is defective.

Are you really removing the partions on the drive before you try to install
afresh? That is done in setup before anything is copied into memory or onto
the drive. Finally after you do install why are you trying to use drivers
that are not on the CD-ROM? Just use what is in the CD-ROM that gets
installed at setup. Try that for a while and see if there is anything you
miss before you resort to mfg drivers. In other words if it isn't broke
don't try to fix it with mfg drivers.


Dixonian69 said:
I remember someone talking about Disk Keeper9 but don't remember details
probably good thing.

I question the actual CD, CD dive and your HDD?
Actually I would perform a "Clean Install"!! Erase yuor HDD. Repartition
and reformat HD!! Start from scratch. Windows will check integrity of HD when


What Windows CD do you have?
Full, upgrade, OEM, or restore/recovery CD.
Home or Pro?

Why should i reformat my hard drive? The installer already checks the
integrity of the drive when installing Windows. My hard drive is sane
anyways, I just performed the Hitachi Drive Fitness Test (the full
test) and it returned a code 0x00, which means no problem was detected
on my Hitachi drive.

The CD I got is Windows XP Pro SP2 took off eMule. Used to work very
well before. The weird thing about it is why is always random and
different files not being read correctly. My CD drive is new and works
very well.

No need to advise me to reformat my hard drive anyways because I
wouldn't do it (unlike some people I got data that I care about on my
harddrive, it's not all about launching crap ass IE and using Windows


George said:
First I would not use Diskeeper. It is not necessary. So what if you can
defrag every single file on your drive and at boot. The benefit is

The errors you are getting about "cannot be read" is one of two things:

1) Bad Media. The CD-ROM you are using to install is defective.

2) The Media reader in this case the CD-ROM drive is defective.

off these two solutions i'd rather think the CD-ROM is deffective. But
can it cause all that I described, inculding the spontaneous reboots
during the installation?
Are you really removing the partions on the drive before you try to install

Removing the partitions?? Why all you guys want me to format my disk??
I got data I care about!!! I just delete the previous Windows folder
and install...
That is done in setup before anything is copied into memory or onto
the drive. Finally after you do install why are you trying to use drivers
that are not on the CD-ROM?

lol, you mean, why am I installing drivers that are not on the Windows
CD-ROM?? I guess it means you have an already made computer with
everything on one CD, but me, I put my PC together, so, I install a
Windows that works for all computers, and then, if I want the ethernet
controllers, the audio controllers, the IDE controller, the SATA
controllers on my motherboard to be recognized, my mouse, keyboard, or
even my AGP card to be accelerated, I gotta install drivers!
Just use what is in the CD-ROM that gets
installed at setup. Try that for a while and see if there is anything you
miss before you resort to mfg drivers. In other words if it isn't broke
don't try to fix it with mfg drivers.

The manufacturing drivers? In case you're suggesting me to try without
installing any drivers, I'll be stuck with a non-accelerated video card
(very cool for playing Minesweeper), a mouse which buttons won't all be
recognized, absolutly no network, no sound, and no access to my other
drive which is SATA.

And anyways, out of my about 7 attempts, I only succeeded once at
having a Windows without any drivers, and if it's too have a Windows on
which you can't install the motherboard drivers, it's not worth it.
Everything I tried latly used to work very well before, what I'd like
to find out is why it isn't working anymore, mostly that I made sure
that my hard drive is working very good and that the rest of my system
worked very fine so far


Byte said:
At this point, you have no other choice but to do a CLEAN install
of XP which will format your harddrive. I doubt if Restore will work
nor will a Repair install of XP work. All your additional installations,
documents, photos, etc. will be deleted. One alternative is to try a
Safe Mode boot and see if that works. Always backup or copy your
documents to a CD or external device such as another recording device.
"How to Boot in Safe Mode"

Clean Installation XP

What would it change to install on a formatted harddrive rather than
just delete the previous Windows folder and install it like that?


I see yuo got my post. Although it appears with yuor name and not mine.
I suggested Clean Install because of all the installation attempts that you
Only clean install will erase all those failed attempts.

You can always backup files to another media before formatting drive. You
mnetioned yuo had another computer.

You mnetioned all the read errors from cd and errors during chkdsk on HD.
just going by that.

So what are yuo going to do? Repair Install? What about all the files from
previous install attempts?

Trying to give good advice and help yuo to best of my abilities and based on
information given.

George Hester

CFran it is clear to me you did not install your system correctly. Until
you do and open your self to the suggestions given here you will always be
unsuccessful. Of course that may be what you want. Remember you are using
a pirated copy of Windows XP you obtained off eMule so really you have only
yourself to fault for the issue.

In answer to your question yes a bad Media can cause the issues you mention.

If you read my post correctly you will find I never said to reformat. What
I asked you is did you remove the partition before you installed Windows XP?
If not then you know what I am going to say. You installed the op sys


Dixonian69 said:
I see yuo got my post. Although it appears with yuor name and not mine.
I suggested Clean Install because of all the installation attempts that you
Only clean install will erase all those failed attempts.

No, I deleted the WINDOWS2 etc... by connecting the drive to this
working computer and by erasing the directories manually
You can always backup files to another media before formatting drive. You
mnetioned yuo had another computer.

Yes, but I don't have enough DVD+R's or enough space on my other drives
to back my stuff up. But one thing I can do is take some of the space
on my hard disk and make it a new small partition with Partition Magic.
Do you think it may help?
You mnetioned all the read errors from cd and errors during chkdsk on HD.
just going by that.

I've tried installing with another CD (this time SP1 Pro) and it got
stuck at the preferences save part or something like this (8 minutes
from the estimated end of the install). It just stuck, go figure why. I
have no more chkdsk errors, and I did the Hitachi Drive Fitness Test to
determine whether my drive is sane or not, and it is perfectly sane.
So what are yuo going to do? Repair Install? What about all the files from
previous install attempts?

No, everytime I just do a new install to a new folder. Sometimes I
earse the previous attempts when I connect this drive to this working
computer, as I already mentionned before.


George Hester wrote:

wow sorry for telling you this but some things you just said hardly
make sence to me.
CFran it is clear to me you did not install your system correctly.

How so? You mean I didn't put my hardware together correctly or
you do and open your self to the suggestions given here you will always be

The suggestions given here? So far it was mostly about formatting my
hard drive and installing Windows XP, which is pretty much like saying
"Your car won't start up? Throw it in the gutter, and go buy another!"
Of course that may be what you want. Remember you are using
a pirated copy of Windows XP you obtained off eMule so really you have only
yourself to fault for the issue.

I don't see what's wrong with using a pirated copy of Windows XP. I've
always used pirated versions of Windows, on many computers, and it
always worked. Now, I tried two pirated versions of Windows that I got,
and none of them worked so far. I don't think that it's the origin of
the problem.
In answer to your question yes a bad Media can cause the issues you mention.

Yeah, I guess, since I tried a backed up version of one of my CD's and
it just gives everytime a 0x0000007B BSOD. But still, it worked before,
even if i skipped many more .dll's during install.
If you read my post correctly you will find I never said to reformat. What
I asked you is did you remove the partition before you installed Windows XP?

Excuse me but, how is removing the partition different from
reformatting? How are you going to keep the data on a disc if you
remove the partition. Can you explain me what you really mean by
removing the partition in a way that doesn't result in a loss of data?
If not then you know what I am going to say. You installed the op sys

OK, so how should it correctly be done?


CFran said:
Why should i reformat my hard drive? The installer already checks the
integrity of the drive when installing Windows. My hard drive is sane
anyways, I just performed the Hitachi Drive Fitness Test (the full
test) and it returned a code 0x00, which means no problem was detected
on my Hitachi drive.

The CD I got is Windows XP Pro SP2 took off eMule. Used to work very
well before. The weird thing about it is why is always random and
different files not being read correctly. My CD drive is new and works
very well.

No need to advise me to reformat my hard drive anyways because I
wouldn't do it (unlike some people I got data that I care about on my
harddrive, it's not all about launching crap ass IE and using Windows

Have you checked the RAM? It sounds like bad RAM to me. Good luck!

Peter Foldes

The best fix that you can do is to go out and get a legal copy of XP. Your issues will be fixed.

George Hester

I basically told you what to do. You remove the partition and\or make a new
partition and install the op sys on that. The fact that you want to save
data is not our concern. Our concern is to help you to install the op sys
correctly. If you want to protect data before an installation of a new op
sys then that is a different question and really other then to tell you to
get a new harddrive or use your own smarts to do it there is really not much
more to say on that matter.

I am not saying the hardware was put together incorrectly I am telling you
you did not install the operating system correctly.

No the suggestions here are what you need to do.

Let's not get into the usefulness of Pirated copies of Windows XP or any
pirated software for that matter. It is a roll of the dice what you get and
no one is going to think all that hard about how to help you with that as
you chose not to renumerate the creators of the software and we choose not
to renumerate you with how to get it to work. You have absolved yourself
from the necessity of renumeration and we are just doing the same.

Bad media. Accept it.

Removing a partion is not the same as reformating. You can remove a partion
and not reformat if you chose. Just it would be unusable until you did..
No once the partition you have now is removed all data on it is lost. Your
task is how to backup that data to a safe place before you remove the
partition. Do the install correctly case closed.


Peter said:
The best fix that you can do is to go out and get a legal copy of XP. Your issues will be fixed.

haha, yeah I know, but I much rather download again an .iso of it.

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