jusched.exe error message


Lee M.

Just in the last couple of days, I have been getting an error message when I
start Outlook2007 (that's generally the first program I start after boot
up). It says "jusched.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close..."
When I close it, everything continues to run fine. I haven't made any
changes in Windows XP SP2 or Outlook since this started popping up. My
weekly virus scan yesterday was clean. What's up with this?

David H. Lipman

From: "Lee M." <lmacmil@forget_it.com>

| Just in the last couple of days, I have been getting an error message when I
| start Outlook2007 (that's generally the first program I start after boot
| up). It says "jusched.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close..."
| When I close it, everything continues to run fine. I haven't made any
| changes in Windows XP SP2 or Outlook since this started popping up. My
| weekly virus scan yesterday was clean. What's up with this?

It is the autodownloader component of Sun Java.

If you are using any version of Sun Java that is prior to JRE Version 6.0,
then you are strongly urged to remove any/all versions.
There are numerous vulnerabilities in them and they are actively being exploited.

It is highly suggested that you update to the latest version which is Sun Java JRE/JSE
Version 6.0 update 5 (jre 6u5)

Simple check, look under...
C:\Program Files\Java

The only folder under that folder should be the latest version.

Such as...
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_05


After you install Java JRE Version 6.0 update 5, goto the Contraol panel applet "Java" and
then "Update" tab and uncheck "check for updates automatically".

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