Joined UPDATE query




I am trying to update several fields in one table based on a join. The
query below doesn't work, but it should be obvious what I am trying to


(SELECT dt_DateField, AgentLogin,
SUM(IIF ([ActivityCodeName] = "Attending Training", [Occurrences], 0))
AS AttendingTraining,
SUM(IIF ([ActivityCodeName] = "Break", [Occurrences], 0)) AS Break
FROM dActivityCodeStat GROUP BY Timestamp, AgentLogin
) b ON (AgentStats.AgentDate = b.dt_DateField) AND
(AgentStats.AgentLogin = b.AgentLogin) SET
[AgentStats].[Mandated] = b.[AttendingTraining], [AgentStats].[Non-
Mandated] = b.[Break];

So basically I want to link the AgentStats table to what is in the
parenthesis (aliased as "b") on the Login and the date. What is the
correct syntax in Access? When I try to run the above I get an
"operation must use an updateable query". I am executing this query
from Access itself, not from outside. There are no constraints between
the two tables. The inner query ("b") works fine on its own.




The syntax of your query is essentially correct (although you do have
Timestamp in the GROUP BY instead of dt_DateField).

However, you can not update using a summary query like this.

Have a look at the Access help titled "When can i update from a query?"

To make your update query work you need to use domain aggregate functions
such as DSUM.

The following should work for you...

UPDATE AgentStats
SET AgentStats.Mandated = nz(DSum("Occurrences", "dActivityCodeStat",
"ActivityCodeName = 'Attending Training' and AgentLogin = '" & [AgentLogin]
& "' and dt_Datefield = #" & Format([AgentDate],'mm/dd/yyyy') & "#"),0),
AgentStats.[Non-Mandated] = nz(DSum("Occurrences", "dActivityCodeStat",
"ActivityCodeName = 'Break' and AgentLogin = '" & [AgentLogin]
& "' and dt_Datefield = #" & Format([AgentDate],'mm/dd/yyyy') & "#"),0)

Watch out for the use of double quotes and single quotes and how the above
gets word-wapped in this display! Also, I've assumed AgentLogin is a text
datatype. If it is numeric then remove the single quotes.


Andy Hull

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