jibberish in fields in form fields



I have MS Office 2007 and created a very simple basic database with dates and
drop down lists and fields for names and addresses all in English, but we're
finding when we go in and fill in certain data that in some records - NOT ALL
- the data changes into foreign characters. We use all Arial characters, and
all properties are set to English (US), so even those of us who have tenure
using Access are a bit perplexed as to why MS Access picks out certain pieces
of data off certain records to convert to foreign languages. Does anyone out
there have any ideas at all on how to fix this problem?

Aaron Kempf

this is one reason I don't use MDB

MDB causes corruption

move to a real database


I have used Access for the last 10 years and have never had any issues with
it until now. This is a simple one table, no relationships, Access 2007
database, and I'm experiencing a problem with it. I'm addressing the
problem in the Microsoft Access forums where I should be, and I hardly think
your subjective opinion of Access 2007 is appreciated here. In addition, I'm
a novice to intermediate user of Access. I don't know about SQL Servers or
VBA Language Programming and all that advanced database stuff, so I stick to
what I know. So if you can't provide an objective solution to the problem I
am having with the software, I would appreciate you keeping your opinion to
yourself. Thank you.

Aaron Kempf

you've never had any issues?


don't use MDB for anything

these chipmunks will try to blame it on the network

Aaron Kempf

and if you've been using Access for 10 years but you don't know SQL and you
don't know VB?

I'd reccomend picking up a couple of books

using an unreliable database is prone to giving you unreliable results


In the 10 years I've used Access, I've never had unreliable data. I'm done
talking with you. Anyone have anything else to offer for help?

John W. Vinson

I have MS Office 2007 and created a very simple basic database with dates and
drop down lists and fields for names and addresses all in English, but we're
finding when we go in and fill in certain data that in some records - NOT ALL
- the data changes into foreign characters. We use all Arial characters, and
all properties are set to English (US), so even those of us who have tenure
using Access are a bit perplexed as to why MS Access picks out certain pieces
of data off certain records to convert to foreign languages. Does anyone out
there have any ideas at all on how to fix this problem?

Apologies for our resident troll. Aaron is fixated on ADP as the solution to
everything, and has rarely been seen to make a positive contribution.

It sounds like you may have a corrupt database. Have you tried Compact and
Repair? I don't have 2007 installed so I can't be exact about how to do so.
You may also want to create a new, empty database and Import all the tables
(and other objects).

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Harvey Zimberg

I also, have been using Acces since version 1.0 have never had a data


'foreign character' jibberish is not foreign - it is just jibberish.

Sometimes it is the result of database corruption. Database
corruption is caused by network errors, usually caused by
Microsoft 'improving' the network in some way. For example,
you should not be using Vista for a shared database right now.

Sometimes the garbage is the result of a bug where Access
looses track of the variable type of a control on a form - .
confusing a string field with a memo field or a long integer field.
Most commonly, this is seen with combo-boxes.

Does either example seem likely?



Ironically, I think I resolved my own issue. I had only 75 records in this
database, and only seven records were affected. All the other records were
unaffected. It had occurred to me that I had done a copy and paste of some
data out of another database (crystal reports) into the Access database, and
that may have caused the corruption of those particular files. I deleted
those seven files, and then re-entered them by hand and have gone in and out
of the datbase this last week checking the data and have noticed that there
are no longer any issues.

When I originally did the copy and paste, I was not very liberal with doing
it. I only did it on a few records, and it very well could have been just
those seven records that I did it with and those records were the ones that
were messed up because of it.

It was interesting to have the problem and finally figure out what caused it.

Thanks everyone for your help.

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