Jetcomp.exe Command-Line switches - Won't work.


Wayne A

With Jetcomp.exe (vers 4), I used the "-?" (no quotes). It
displayed a window showing all possible switches/params.
But it doesn't show any examples. I've tried many
combinations and still can't get this to work. Searched MS
sites and the web in general. I need to use Jetcomp.exe to
compact a "corrupted" jet3.5 mdb via VB6 application. The
database is password protected. Does anyone have any
experience with this? Much thanks in advance, Wayne A.

david epsom dot com dot au

but you don't show any examples of what you tried....

in any case, normally more sensible to directly use
the compact method of a DAO object, rather than shelling
out to Jetcomp to call it.



We use DAO for "normal" compact - but when database can't
be opened by DAO (errors 3197, 3343, 3015), we need to use
Jetcomp so that we can call it from VB6 app. One example
of what we tried:
Jetcomp.exe -src:{c:\InputDB.mdb} -dest:{c:\OutputDB.mdb} -
w{xxx123} -v3
We also tried dbl-quotes instead of the { } chars. Also
tried separating switches with commas and once with semi-
colons. Jetcomp does not display any error messages.
Thanks for your response.

david epsom dot com dot au

Jetcomp.exe -src:"c:\InputDB.mdb" -dest:"c:\OutputDB.mdb"

works for me. no messages, but the output file is created.
I don't have any password protected or corrupted databases
to check. (Check that you are loading the correct version
of Jetcomp!)

You don't have to open a database to compact it using the
DAO method: I don't think Jetcomp can do anything different
than DAO.dbEngine.Compact



Thanks David. It's probably the -w switch that won't work. I'll try a few more combinations. Appreciate your help.

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