Jet Engines



We have about 70 users on the DB and about 8 of them can not run a command to
print a report. They get the message "The Microsoft Jet Database egnine
could not find the object*. Make sure the objects exists and that you spell
its name and the path correctly." I know that it is working on the majority
of the users and yet these 8 are preplexing me to say the least since I have
tried to correct this but with no sucess. I guess you can say I am desperate
for any help!

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

By any chance are your users all logged in to the same copy of the database?
If so, that may be the problem. In a multi-user environment all users need
to log into a copy of a front-end on each workstation linked to the data on
the server.


They are not all on at the same time but I would say that at least 30 are in
it all the time and the remaining jump in and out throughout the day. Each
user logs into the system with the Network log-ins. Everyone that is
getting that message is able to work in the DB/Switchboard but the Reports
section is the only hang-up.

Douglas J. Steele

You didn't answer Arvin's question as to whether they're all using the same
MDB file, or if each user has his/her own copy of the front-end (the way it
should be)

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)


Well, each user has their own ldb file but use the same MDB file. As you may
guess, I am learning!

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

All kinds of problems and corruptions occur when users share the front-end.

You need to split the database into 2 with the data tables residing on the
server, linked to a front-end on each user's individual workstation.

Have a look at this article on Tony Roews web site, and post back if you
have any questions:

Douglas J. Steele

That's not possible, since the ldb file is always written in the same folder
as the mdb.

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