Javascript Prompt and ASP.NET


J.P. Cummins

In my ASP.NET application, I wish to have a page for administrators to
edit items in a list. Preferably, I would like to use the javascript
prompt for the 'rename' function, and a javascript alert box for the
'delete' function. When the user clicks 'rename', the javascript prompt
asks for the new name. When the user clicks 'delete', a javascript
alert asks the user if he really wants to delete that item. Here is an
example of what my list would look like with the functions on the side:

--------------------------------------- [rename] [delete] [rename] [delete] [rename] [delete]

I am not concerned with the java alert message, it is just a simple
function that I can add to the OnClick event. However, I am concerned
with prompting the user when they click 'rename' and sending that value
back to my ASP.NET script. Does ASP.NET have a built-in function to
prompt a user? If not, what are some of your suggestions?



ASP.NET is for run at the server. (c# or

so if you need to do this.. really need to use JavaScript.

else you can do the rename in this way.

create a page with a textbox and "Done" button.

when the user click on "rename"...
you can open a small window with JavaScript
after DONE, do the DB updates from the button click event of the DONE...then
close the second window... then refresh the first window.

this is just an idea.

hope this helps,


I would have a hidden input on your page that accepts the input from the
prompt, then just submit the form and update the database:

<script language="javascript">
function buttonClick()
var text = prompt('Enter the new name');
document.getElementById('hiddenInput').value = text;

<input type="button" id="rename" value="Rename">
<input type="hidden" id="hiddenInput" runat="server" value="">

Alex Homer

I built a selection of user controls that create various client-side prompts
and dialogs, and you can reuse these or copy the code. See:
for the main page and download links, or run these examples from the online
examples page:
a.. Alert, Prompt and Confirm Dialogs from a User Control
a.. Browser-Adaptive Dialogs from a User Control
a.. Internet Explorer Dialog Windows from a User Control
a.. Adaptive Dialog Windows from a User Control

Matt Hamilton said:
I would have a hidden input on your page that accepts the input from the
prompt, then just submit the form and update the database:

<script language="javascript">
function buttonClick()
var text = prompt('Enter the new name');
document.getElementById('hiddenInput').value = text;

<input type="button" id="rename" value="Rename">
<input type="hidden" id="hiddenInput" runat="server" value="">

J.P. Cummins said:
In my ASP.NET application, I wish to have a page for administrators to
edit items in a list. Preferably, I would like to use the javascript
prompt for the 'rename' function, and a javascript alert box for the
'delete' function. When the user clicks 'rename', the javascript prompt
asks for the new name. When the user clicks 'delete', a javascript
alert asks the user if he really wants to delete that item. Here is an
example of what my list would look like with the functions on the side:

--------------------------------------- [rename] [delete] [rename] [delete] [rename] [delete]

I am not concerned with the java alert message, it is just a simple
function that I can add to the OnClick event. However, I am concerned
with prompting the user when they click 'rename' and sending that value
back to my ASP.NET script. Does ASP.NET have a built-in function to
prompt a user? If not, what are some of your suggestions?

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