Javascript Disabling WebControls



I have an ASP.Net web page populated with WebControls, such as
textboxes and checkboxes. On this page I also have a JavaScript that
disables these textboxes under certain events (such as "onLoad" and
"onClick") by calling the javascript method <object>.disabled =
<true/false>. This works visably fine on the webpage, however, when I
do a postback to the server and check the <WebControl>.Enabled
property on an item I disabled via the javascript it does not reflect
its current state. Rather, it reports the Enabled property as whatever
I initilized it to. Now I believe this is because the client is never
communicating the enabled/disabled state change to the server. Is
there a work around for this that doesn't require additional server
side postbacks and validation? The whole purpose of using JavaScript
in the first place was to avoid postbacks on checkbox clicks that
would call server-side code to enable/disable textboxes. Any ideas are
much appreciated.

- Harry

Kevin Spencer

You could populate hidden form fields on the client when you make a
client-side change to an object, so that when you handle the PostBack, you
can set the properties on the server side.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Complex things are made up of
lots of simple things.

John Saunders

When a form is posted, it sends the values of its fields to the server. It
does not send the attributes!

If you want to communicate client-side changes in control state to the
server, you will need to put those changes into something which will reach
the server. I've used both hidden fields and cookies for that purpose.

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