javascript-confirm via C# code?

  • Thread starter Daniel Gustafsson
  • Start date

Daniel Gustafsson

Hmm, when a user presses a button in my web-form I want a javascript alert
to popup and asking the user to confirm if he wants to perform the action or
not... I want to be able to do this via C# code (the proper way) instead if
hacking the html-code.

I'm guessing this is really simple but I'm all new to this so I could need a
quick pointer.

Ignacio Machin


Well, in tere you are "hacking the html" in certain way cause it's theonly
way to do that :), using the Attributes what you are setting are the
attributes of the HTML tag that is generated at render of the server side


Daniel Gustafsson

Yes, but I'm still doing it in c# without having to switch to html mode...

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