JAlbum w/ Frontpage



After unsuccessful attemps at using FP's Photo Gallery, I downloaded JAlbum
and created an album that I published to my website. Problem is, I don't
like how you don't see my header & left menu on that page that JAlbum
published. Can someone tell me if there's a way to get the album to appear
in just the content part of the page and allow my included content to appear
as well?




There are several ways of doing this. One way is to set your page up with a
table, and put the jalbum page in the cell you would like it to appear in as
an include page. There are other, more elegant solutions, but this should get
you started.

Hope this helps.


I created the JAlbum and did as you said. However, when I linked the .html
file via include page, it gave me this message: When you insert a frames
page using the Include Page component, FP cannot display it." Is there
another way around this?



Some of it you can do when generating the JAlbum, you have to read all the docs on how to edit the particular skin you are using. What you cannot do during generation - you can do by editing the pages it generated once you bring it into FP. I made one that 'almost' matches the main web. It takes a lot of experimenting (keep NOTES on what you do :)

Here's one I did a while back: http://www.balletandfriends.org/bf_photogallery_03/index.htm

I have a feeling you may have problems getting your left navs on the same page. I hate frames so I didn't even try that...nor would I.


As Rob suggests in his post, you'll need to do some cutting and pasting of
the code generated by JAlbum to get it to look the way you want in your page.
The "skin" you chose, as well as what your target page looks like, will
determine what code you copy and where you paste it.

Good luck.

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