Iterating through Repeater.Items


Mark Fox


I have a repeater and in each itemtemplate I have a
radiobuttonlist. I am attempting to figure out how on
postback I could iterate through the rows displayed by
the repeater and for each row grab the selected value of
the radio button list. When is the Repeater.Items
collection populated? I first attempted to access the
Repeater.Items collection from the Command event of a
normal linkbutton on the page, but it was empty. Is it
not populated before the Command event of a linkbutton?
In the documentation for Repeater.Items, it accesses the
collection in the Repeater's ItemCommand event handler.
But when I moved the linkbutton into the FooterTemplate
of the Repeater, the itemcommand event handler isn't
being raised even though I wired it up in
InitializeComponent. Why might the ItemCommand not be
raised? If it's possible to access the Repeater.Items
collection outside the ItemCommand event handler, where
may I do so? Here is some of the code I'm using:

Code Behind:

private void InitializeComponent()
this.Load += new

this.rpRegistrations.ItemDataBound += new
+= new RepeaterCommandEventHandler


private void rpRegistrations_ItemCommand
(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)

// The if statement below never gets called
if(e.CommandName == "Update")

Web Form:

ID="rpRegistrations" Runat="server">

border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


<td class="Bold">&nbsp;</td>

<td class="Bold">Name</td>



<td class="Normal">

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblNumber"
Runat="server" CssClass="Normal"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Visible="False">


<asp:ListItem Value="2"







<asp:LinkButton ID="btnUpdate"
CommandName="Update" Runat="server" Text="Save"
CssClass="Command" /><br>


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