Items selected from List Box



I would like to display records in a list box, allow the user to select one
or more, then click a button on the form and be brought to another form that
allows him to edit just those selected records.
I have created and populated the list box, and designed the form to edit the
records, but don’t know how to supply the 2nd form with the criteria that is
coming from the list box (which records to display)
This probably quite easy, but can’t find an example of how this is done in
any of the sample templates available on the Microsoft site. Any help is
greatly appreciated.

Dale Fye


Assuming that your the bound column of your listbox is a long integer
datatype, you could do the following:

Public Sub cmd_OpenSelected_Click

Dim varCriteria as variant, strCriteria as string
Dim varItem as variant

'If no item was selected, display an error message
if me.lst_yourlistboxname.ItemsSelected.count = 0 then
msgbox "Select one or more records to edit!
exit sub

'loop through each selected item, appending the first (assumes
BoundColumn = 1) column
For each varItem in me.lst_yourlistboxname.ItemsSelected
varCriteria = (varCriteria + ", ") &
me.lst_yourlistboxname.Column(0, varItem)

'[fieldname] is the name of the ID field in your form that matches the
'bound column
strCriteria = cstr("[fieldname] IN (" + varCriteria + ")"

docmd.OpenForm FormName:="frm_Listbox", WhereCondition:=strCriteria

End sub

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