Items between dates



I have a table with several fields one of which is the DateSold field. This
field has the dates items were sold. How can I find the items sold between
two dates? For example, I would like to find the items sold between July 22
and July 29. Please give me detailed instructions as I am a novice user.


In the criteria under your date write: between #FirstDate# and #SecondDate#
don't miss the number signs. That should do it


John Vinson

I have a table with several fields one of which is the DateSold field. This
field has the dates items were sold. How can I find the items sold between
two dates? For example, I would like to find the items sold between July 22
and July 29. Please give me detailed instructions as I am a novice user.

Create a new Query based on your table, selecting the fields you want
to see.

If the DateSold is a pure date (no time portion, e.g. you fill it
using Date() or an input mask that doesn't allow times) use a
criterion on DateSold of

BETWEEN [Enter start date:] AND [Enter end date:]

to be prompted for the date range.

If there might be a time portion, use
= CDate([Enter start date:] AND < DateAdd("d", 1, [Enter end date:])

on the criteria line under DateSold.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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