Issues with TR and FormView data Bind when TR is Runat=Server


Daniel Jeffrey


I am using an ObjectDataSource with a Custom DataObject etc.

Everything is working fine, except when I use a Bound control in a Table Row
that is runat="server"

As you can see below - i have commented out the code that causes this to
fail. Eg when i remove <tr> and replace with the commented out line, the
binding does not update.

It works for showing the data, just not updating the CustomObject.

Please help.

<%--<tr style="text-align: left" runat="server" id="SiteTR">--%>
<strong>Site : </strong>
<asp:DropDownList ID="SiteDropDown" runat="server"
SelectedValue='<%# Bind("TXSITE") %>' DataSourceID="SiteDataSource"
DataTextField="TXSITE" DataValueField="TXSITE" ></asp:DropDownList>

Daniel Jeffrey

not but not sure how that would work

pls be aware if I make the TD runat=server it works fine, just the TR
strange hey !


nick chan

like this

<asp:placeholder id="plc" runat="server">



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