Issue accepting meeting invitations



We're having an issue with the calendar in Outlook 2003 where users will get
the following message when attempting to accept a meeting invitation...

"The function cannot be performed because the object has been deleted"

The meeting is still active and has not been deleted. Was wondering if
anyone had seen this before.

XP Professional SP2, Outlook 2003. As far as I can tell, all users who have
reported this issue are also Blackberry users.

Thanks for any thoughts!

Diane Poremsky {MVP}

It's caused by the blackberry.

** Please include your Outlook version, Account type, and Windows Version
when requesting assistance **

Ben Kemp

Do you know exactly what is causing it from the Blackberry side of things?

Is there a resolution?



Brian Tillman

Jen said:
I am seeing the exact same issue... any update on this?

You'll never see updates to sync issues here because Outlook has no active
part in the sync. It's all on the shoulders of the sync software.

Ben Kemp

Two things

1. If there is no update for this issue here, then please can you point me
to where the updates are?
2. Would this effect non blackberry users as well?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Brian Tillman

Ben Kemp said:
Two things

1. If there is no update for this issue here, then please can you
point me to where the updates are?

The vendor of the sync software would be responsibe for the updates.
2. Would this effect non blackberry users as well?

That's anyone's guess.


What is the most efficient way to ensure this is the case? Enable store
logging, client logging and track any changes made to specific attributes of
the meeting? I'm looking at 3,000 total BlackBerry users but 1 as having this

It appears to happen when a delegate sends a meeting to the person she is a
delegate for.

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