isolating specific list




I have a huge list of patients identified by number... and columns of info
like gender, birthday, medical issues etc.

I only need the info from 200 specific patients. How can I isolate those
rows efficiently?


If there is some field which would uniquely identify thiese patients, you
could use auto or advanced filter to show just these patients or to do
calulations on just thes patients
if there is nothing which uniquely identifies these patients on the
preadsheet, I w9ould make a helper row and mark it in a way to do the


there are 200 patients that i need... and i tried using
=if(B2=pt1,"yes",=if(B2=pt2,"yes"........ with this repeated 200 times to
include all the patients that i want... but excel wouldn't take a formula
that long.... is there a way i can do an IF statement without listing all
the patients in theformula? i tried just using =if(b2=d1:d200.... with my
list of patients.. but that didn't work.... any suggestions?

thanks =)

Peo Sjoblom

But how do you select them, just pt1 up to pt200? And the list is, just
select the whole list (make sure you have headers), then do
data>filter>autofilter, from dropdown select custom and use (depending on
the way they are "branded")

if all patients are called pt1 and so on and you want pt1 to pt200 use is
greater than or equal to pt1, then in the second choice use is less than or
equal to pt200
or if all the patients you want start with pt, then use begins with pt

If you just want to get 200 randomly, use a help column and =RAND()

copy down, sort by the help column and select the first 200

Also if this works and when you have filtered them just select the visible
range and copy and paste somewhere else


Peo Sjoblom


thanks the reply

the problem is the patient numbers are random.. for example.. i need pt 4,
89, 154....

any suggestions?

Peo Sjoblom

It's not possible unless you have something that distinguish them unless you
have a list with just the id numbers, then you could tag them in a help


where List can be a named range with the IDs or a range like $G$2:$G202

copy down and the apply autofilter and filter on TRUE

I mean how do you know what numbers to include?


Hey there, thanks again for your responses

if i can get the numbers in column A to line up with the ones in column b,
then i can filter column A for "nonblanks"..... any ideas on how to do that?
someone on this forum explained it when i looked last year.. but i can't find
that thread at all now... any ideas how?

pts i want list of patients
3 1
8 2
10 ... 3

Gord Dibben

Enter Peo's formula =ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,$B$1:$B$202,0)) into C1 and copy down.

The numbers found in Column B that match those in Column A will show TRUE.

Filter on TRUE

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


got it! THANKS EVERYONE.. i really appreciate it

Gord Dibben said:
Enter Peo's formula =ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,$B$1:$B$202,0)) into C1 and copy down.

The numbers found in Column B that match those in Column A will show TRUE.

Filter on TRUE

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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