Is Windows Works Suite 06 and Powerpoint the same program?



I'm wondering if I have the Powerpoint on my computer, I have the viewer but
I can't find the program... I just bought this computer from Dell and I'm
trying to learn to use powerpoint....

Today I bought a book called Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows....

I've gone threw my programs, and I don't see where I have powerpoint and I
think I should lol.... anyways I have Micrsoft Works and Micrsoft Office..
Sooo I'm think it should be in there some where...


Steve Rindsberg

I'm wondering if I have the Powerpoint on my computer, I have the viewer but
I can't find the program... I just bought this computer from Dell and I'm
trying to learn to use powerpoint....

Today I bought a book called Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows....

I've gone threw my programs, and I don't see where I have powerpoint and I
think I should lol.... anyways I have Micrsoft Works and Micrsoft Office..
Sooo I'm think it should be in there some where...

If your computer included the "Basic" edition of Office 2003, I'm pretty sure
it doesn't include PowerPoint.

If you can get the computer vendor to sell you the next version up, which
includes PPT, that'd be the best bet, if the price is fair.

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