Is this the proper place to ask my question?




I posted a question this past Friday, Feb 24, 2006. It is titled "Subtotals
and SP2" and is in the "Excel General Questions" group. I also posted the
same question with a different title (Multi Level Subtotals and SP2) on the
same day in the "Excel Worksheet Functions" group. You can search under my
name "amkazen" to see the questions.

I was not sure which group to post in. I have not received any response
from either question. I am still looking for an answer or idea as to how to
correct this problem.

Is there an MVP out there who can take the time to respond? Thank you.


Never mind. I just got off the phone with a Micorsoft support person. He
was able to solve my problem. And, their computers were not working properly
so I was not charged a $35 phone support fee.

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