is this possable and how can it be done?



i have compiles db to run a car repair garage. the section i need help with
is monthly figurs. i want to display a chart showing a predition of where we
will be at the end of the mont. i want the chart to work our the average of
how much has been invoiced so far and then tims that by how many days are
left and display it in a chart. can this be done??? if so.... where do i

Larry Linson

DH010010 said:
...db to run a car repair garage. i need help with
monthly figurs. i want to display a chart showing
a predition of where we will be at the end of the
mont. i want the chart to work our the average of
how much has been invoiced so far and then tims
that by how many days are left and display it in a
chart. can this be done??? if so.... where do i

(1) As with all database inquiries, you have to start with the data that you
have, and how you have laid it out in your database (that is, the tables and
fields that you'll have to work with). No one will be able to offer you more
than generalities without that information; specific details are needed for
specific answers.

(2) Then you will need to explain how you want to show the data... you have
only indicated that you want to predict one number based on your revenues so
far in the month -- not something that would necessarily require a "chart".

(3) You also might want to do a little research in the newsgroup archives
and in Google on how to calculate "working days", as opposed to just "days".
(For example, if there are three days left in the month, and two are
holidays, and one a non-working weekend day, then the prediction for the
total for the month will be exactly the same as the total you calculate

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

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