Is this correct (any other way)...



I have a detailed view listbox with 4 colums.
I have found out a way to add rows, but is
this the correct way of doing this?
Where do I put a uniqe value to a row.
(listViewItem.Tag = UniqeRowID)
This is NOT the index number, but my own ID.

string[] s=new string[10]; // extra spare
s[0] = "Data Col 1";
s[1] = "Data Col 2";
s[2] = "Data Col 3";
s[3] = "Data Col 4";
System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(s);
listViewItem.Tag = UniqeRowID;
this.listView1.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] {listViewItem} );

And how do I get the uniqe identifier back again?
(I only need the first available selected row)

ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selItems =
foreach ( ListViewItem item in selItems)
UniqeRowID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Tag.ToString());

Morten Wennevik


The Tag property stores all information as object references, so when you feed it an int you need to cast it back to int before you use it.

int i = (int)item.Tag;

As for adding new rows. You could add the data the way you do, but in your case you might prefer

ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem("column1");
lvi.Tag = ID;


I have a detailed view listbox with 4 colums.
I have found out a way to add rows, but is
this the correct way of doing this?
Where do I put a uniqe value to a row.
(listViewItem.Tag = UniqeRowID)
This is NOT the index number, but my own ID.

string[] s=new string[10]; // extra spare
s[0] = "Data Col 1";
s[1] = "Data Col 2";
s[2] = "Data Col 3";
s[3] = "Data Col 4";
System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(s);
listViewItem.Tag = UniqeRowID;
this.listView1.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] {listViewItem} );

And how do I get the uniqe identifier back again?
(I only need the first available selected row)

ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selItems =
foreach ( ListViewItem item in selItems)
UniqeRowID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Tag.ToString());


Hi Morten,
Tanks for the feedback.
As a newbie it is always nice to get feedback of my practise.


Morten Wennevik said:

The Tag property stores all information as object references, so when you
feed it an int you need to cast it back to int before you use it.

int i = (int)item.Tag;

As for adding new rows. You could add the data the way you do, but in
your case you might prefer

ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem("column1");
lvi.Tag = ID;


I have a detailed view listbox with 4 colums.
I have found out a way to add rows, but is
this the correct way of doing this?
Where do I put a uniqe value to a row.
(listViewItem.Tag = UniqeRowID)
This is NOT the index number, but my own ID.

string[] s=new string[10]; // extra spare
s[0] = "Data Col 1";
s[1] = "Data Col 2";
s[2] = "Data Col 3";
s[3] = "Data Col 4";
System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem listViewItem = new ListViewItem(s);
listViewItem.Tag = UniqeRowID;
this.listView1.Items.AddRange(new ListViewItem[] {listViewItem} );

And how do I get the uniqe identifier back again?
(I only need the first available selected row)

ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection selItems =
foreach ( ListViewItem item in selItems)
UniqeRowID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Tag.ToString());

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