Is there an automatic re-build in VisualStudio when I change the source code ?


Peter Hofmann

When I change the source code and save it I have currently always to press
explicitely F6 zu "compile" the code (and get new error list).

Isn't there an automatic build function which is called whenever I save new code ?

BTW: What is the difference between the two menues:

Build->Build solution


Build->Rebuild solution ?


Christof Nordiek

Peter Hofmann said:
When I change the source code and save it I have currently always to press
explicitely F6 zu "compile" the code (and get new error list).

Isn't there an automatic build function which is called whenever I save
new code ?

You can simply press F6 or Shift+F6. That will aswell save as also compile
(the whole solution or only the current project.)
BTW: What is the difference between the two menues:

Build->Build solution


Build->Rebuild solution ?

Rebuild solution always builds all project; Build solution builds only
projects that wree changed and their dependencies.
Rebuild can be used in cases, where the detection of changes failed. Don't
know, if that occurs in VS 2005, but it happend to me in VS.NET and VS


Peter Duniho

Rebuild can be used in cases, where the detection of changes failed.
know, if that occurs in VS 2005, but it happend to me in VS.NET and VS

Yup, it still happens sometimes in VS 2005. Frankly, I have a hard time
understanding why the bug even exists, but yes...almost at least once a
day, I manage to change code without VS 2005 noticing and I have to use
the Rebuild command to get it to recompile (simply making another change
and trying Build again doesn't work).



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