Is there a shortcut for moving objects?



I do a lot of PP using photos and text and it becomes annoying having to use
several steps to get them in the correct layer. Are there any shortcuts to
move objects?


I guess I used the wrong word. I like to put text on top of photographs but
don't always build it in the order that I need the final slide to look like.
If I add a photo after the text is in place, I'm wanting to know if there is
a shortcut for moving the photo backwards.


I believe you are referring to the Order (Send to back, send backwards etc)
function? If so, click View > Toolbars > Customize.
Select the Commands tab.
Under Categories, look for Drawing.
Under Commands, look for the respective order commands that you want.
Click and hold down the commands, then drag them out to a toolbar.
Shawn Toh (tohlz)
Microsoft MVP PowerPoint

Site Updated: Oct 20, 2007
(Amazing PowerPoint animations, artworks, games here)
PowerPoint Heaven - The Power to Animate

Steve Rindsberg

I do a lot of PP using photos and text and it becomes annoying having to use
several steps to get them in the correct layer. Are there any shortcuts to
move objects?

What the others said. Also, with PPT 2003 and previous, you can "tear off" the
order flyout so it becomes a free-floating toolbar. That way you don't have to
keep drilling down through menus to get to the order commands each time you
want to use them.

Another: our free PPT2HTML add-in demo includes an accessibility assistant.
It's layer manager lets you select shapes, hide them, move them up and down in
the layering order and so on. Very convenient for this kind of thing. No
charge, no obligation.

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