Is there a right way to do a data entry form?



I have a set of textboxes. If it is a new record the textboxes are
empty and there is a save button. If this is an existing record, I
have a search form, a datagrid and the user selects form the datagrid
and the same set of textboxes now populates for editing with an update

I know I can set up a datalist or datagrid to do this "automatically,"
but I want two things. I want the search list to look like a datagrid,
that is the rows, datasheet look, and a nice form. I don't see a way
to have both of them except to do it the way described above.

It just feels wrong to do a select for my search results and then go to
a whole other page (or maybe the same page different panel) and bind
data back to a set of textboxes for data entry, when the various
controls will do that for me.

Any thoughts on this are appreciated. I am concerned I am still
thinking in classic asp terms. I cannot find any good examples on the
Internet other than what I have already described. Thank you.

Terry Olsen

Are you saying that you don't want to use the Datagrid for the actual
editing of a record? I've done it both ways. Some pages I edit the records
directly in the DataGrid, and others, I select the item from the Datagrid
and send the data to an edit page filled with various textboxes,
dropdownlists, etc. I get the data to the edit page using an ArrayList and
passing through a Session.Item("MyArrayList").


I've done it both ways too. I juse feel like that isn't correct of
that I'm missing something.

Jon Paal

I usually have the search parameter options available at the top of the page. If the user submits parameters then a search is
conducted on the page postback and the results displayed in the datagrid on the same page. search parametrs are redisplayed for the
user's reference.

Jon Paal

Each record displayed has a link which posts back with the record id. that id is used to look up record and display it in a form to
allow modifications.

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