Is there a go to function in excell



Is there a "go to" function in Excel? What I want to do is have a conditional
if statement where if data in the previous cell equals a given variable, then
you would be automatically redirected to another cell.

This is what I’m trying to do: =if(c11=â€xâ€,go to d11)

Thanks in advance!!!!


The following formula will look at c11 and if it is x it will pull the value
for d11. If it isn't X then it will be blank ("").




Only with an event macro stored in the worksheet module ...
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Set Target = Range("C11")
If Target.Value = "x" Then '<<<< change cell
Application.Goto Range("D11")
End Sub



WHat I'm trying to do is actually move the pointer from the "c11" cell to the
cell "d11" cell. I have been able to figure out move the data from one cell
to another. What I have set up and am trying to do, is a form in excell where
I have yes, no, and don't know data cells. If a student puts a "x" in the yes
cell, I want to then have the pointer move to the next "yes" cell in the next
row down.


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