Your Time Zone is likely not set properly for where you are or your time
would look the same here to everyone (in reference to their time zone, etc.)
Whenever your time zone is off and you post here - the time is offset from
everyone else. It's not that your *time* is wrong to you when you look at
your clock... It is that your "time zone" is not set properly.
What that means is that you posted this morning (for me) at 5:37AM. But
your posting is offset (to me) by 8 hours. It looks to me like you posted 8
hours in the future and I somewhow responded to you almost 8 hours before
you even posted (I replied to you at 5:49AM Central Time.) This is usually
accounted for by an incorrect time zone setting.
Time Zone Map:
or here:
This web page explains it somewhat:
Look here:
That is this conversation - if not already that way - view it as a tree
under OPTIONS (top-right above the messages...)
Look at the time in your first posting, then look at the time of my first
response - which was "actually" 12 minutes later. There it is - archived
for posterity and beyond that your timezone may be set incorrectly. A 12
minute difference shown as nearly an 8 hour difference - with me answering
you in the past... ;-)
Looking at another post of yours from last month:
This was not the case. Your time is shown properly.
As it is here:
... also last month.
However - looking at another post (yesterday) of yours:
... you are suddenly ahead of everyone...
Something changed between January and February...
Otherwise call me curious as to what country/location you are posting
from... Please post the name - I mean that last post of yours does point to
the UK - but who knows. ;-)