is it true that you have to get your computer inoculated?

  • Thread starter alejandro de tacobell
  • Start date


Ed said:
Ain't going to do you one bit of good if you don't put a band aid on
that hole after you finish. How could you forget such an important
step in your "inoculation" process?

The chemicals in Lysol act as a very mild solvent, sealing any



Have you taken your hobbit that turns the hard drive cylinders in for
his yearly vaccination shots? He may be coming down with malaria and
you may catch it......


Have you taken your hobbit that turns the hard drive cylinders in for
his yearly vaccination shots? He may be coming down with malaria and
you may catch it......

Obviously you have an old drive. Models made in the last 18 months
have Internalized Machinery Propulsion drives, commonly called IMP
drives. They replaced hobbits centuries ago, in relative computer
Please try to keep up with the trends in technology. Next you'll be
stating that your computer doesn't have a Dedicated Etherial Array
Displacement (DEAD) hard drive. I pity you,in your woeful ignorance.

Uncle Joe

I smell a troll who's having fun at our expense.

The solution you want to wipe down your hard
drive can be had at any service station. It's called
gasoline--preferably, premium brand gas. It
interacts great with your hard drive's coating.
It will wipe out your pesky viruses in seconds.

To keep from seeing messages about viruses
on your monitor, I recommend that you swab
your monitor (glass or LCD) with acetone.
This way, you won't have to look at warning
messages: of course, you won't see anything,

If you're going to shoot anything with a needle,
I'd suggest you shoot rubbing alcohol into
your friend's ass.

cloud dreamer

Richard said:
Are you really that gullible?

Nothing surprises me anymore. I just received an e-mail from a friend I
had thought was at least half on the ball. It was a request to sign a
petition to force the distributor of Bonsai Kitten kits to stop selling
his kits. She had signed her entire family to the petition and forwarded
it to everyone.

I haven't laughed so hard in days.


Anon y mous

Acetone will not fog monitor glass- it fogs plastics.... not glass.
I recommend Hydrogen Fluoride (glass etchant) if you want to clean glass.

After swabbing down the hard drive with gasoline, i recommend lighting a
scented candle to take care of the fumes- the reaction should be
instantaneous and spectacular- that is unless you splashed it around inside
the casing and shorted anything out!

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