Irc Chat



Does nebody working on irc chat similar mirc chat..i preferring pirch chat?
I got chat working including richtextbox colour too?
But the pb is i can't get to sent commnad such ...x.sendcommand("TIME")
and i got error stating that "A first chance exception of type
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException' occurred in System.dll"
i'm using vs200... using vb2005
I apprecated ur help.


Does nebody working on irc chat similar mirc chat..i preferring pirch
chat? I got chat working including richtextbox colour too?
But the pb is i can't get to sent commnad such
...x.sendcommand("TIME") and i got error stating that "A first chance
exception of type System.Net.Sockets.SocketException' occurred in
System.dll" i'm using vs200... using vb2005
I apprecated ur help.

Take a look at the Indy project or nSoftware's IPWorks library. I believe
both provide IRC support.

Lance R

Does nebody working on irc chat similar mirc chat..i preferring pirch chat?
I got chat working including richtextbox colour too?
But the pb is i can't get to sent commnad such ...x.sendcommand("TIME")
and i got error stating that "A first chance exception of type
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException' occurred in System.dll"
i'm using vs200... using vb2005
I apprecated ur help.

I have a VB.NET sample (not a complete app by any means, just a little
demo app) that shows how you can build and IRC client using the
IPWorks .NET components. Let me know if you'd like me to send it your


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