IQueryable and IEnumerable




On my repositories I always return a IQueryable when getting multiple
records, for example in:

However, most the code I see use IEnumerable. For example:
1. ToPagedList extension ...
2. AutoMapper to mape between a source collection and a destination
collection ...

So I always need to change my IQueryable obtained through the
repository and convert it to IEnumerable to be able to use the
ToPagedList extension and the AutoMapper.

Should I use IEnumerable on my repositories?

I am afraid I am doing something wrong.


Harlan Messinger

shapper said:

On my repositories I always return a IQueryable when getting multiple
records, for example in:

However, most the code I see use IEnumerable. For example:
1. ToPagedList extension ...
2. AutoMapper to mape between a source collection and a destination
collection ...

So I always need to change my IQueryable obtained through the
repository and convert it to IEnumerable to be able to use the
ToPagedList extension and the AutoMapper.

IQueryable IS IEnumerable. IQueryable inherits IEnumerable's interface.
In addition, anything that implements IQueryable<T> implements
IEnumerable<T> and also IEnumerable as well. What are you encountering
that leads you to think you need to convert explicitly?


IQueryable IS IEnumerable. IQueryable inherits IEnumerable's interface.
In addition, anything that implements IQueryable<T> implements
IEnumerable<T> and also IEnumerable as well. What are you encountering
that leads you to think you need to convert explicitly?

Usually I return a IQueryable from my repositories ... I got that
adivice some time ago.
To be honest I don't remember the advantages but I think it might be
related with Linq.

Basically, I am using AutoMapper as follows:

Articles = Mapper.Map<IQueryable<Article>,
()).ToPagedList(page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0, 20),

I am mapping a IQueryable<Article> to an
IEnumerable<ArticleItemViewModel> and finally converting to PagedList.

I got this working now ... Since IQueryable inherits IEnumerable.


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