IP monitor to power-cycle device?



Occasionally, we have to power-cycle our DSL modem and I'd like
to automate it. What I envision is a device or program which will
detect the inability to reach an outside address (google.com for example)
and, if the condition persists for a period of time, power-cycle a
device that's plugged into an AC outlet (the DSL modem.) It would
be kind of like a lamp timer, only triggered by the monitored condition
(external IP connectivity.)

Any ideas?


Nate Nagel

kony said:
You'd need both a device and a program, and considerable
time plus an expense likely to be no less than correcting
the problem.

Shouldn't be necessary, a properly designed modem will
attempt to reconnect by itself so it seems the modem is
crashing. In that case, you might try popping the cover off
and drilling a few holes in it to improve ventilation but
otherwise the solution seems to be replacing the modem
unless it is a power line fault, in which case a line
conditioner or UPS could be used.

FWIW I have my cable modem on a UPS, although for different reasons
(momentary power dropouts are somewhat common here, and I don't like
having to wait for the cable modem to reboot if I'm in the middle of
something when the lights go off for a half second, nor is that probably
good for the cable modem) and I only have to power cycle it to regain
connectivity maybe 2-3x a year.


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