invoice number question



I am working on an intercompany supplies transfer form and all I need to
complete it is a sequential (invoice) number.

I am not familiar with macro, but have tried to teach myself by reading the
other posts, but it's just not working.

Figured I would just ask for help. Thank you in advance! I really
appreciate it.


Does the invoice number contain charcaters or is it numbers only?


1. XYZ3000
2. 3000



Thanks for your response, however I have already tried that, and I think it
was just user error, but I can't figure out how to get it to work. I can
create a macro, I just don't know how to activate it, if that makes sense.
It seems as if I did nothing. Perhaps that just means I am doing something
wrong. Whatever the case, it doesn't work for me.


Which method did you try to use from McGimpsey's site?
The Private Sub Workbook_Open routine or the Public Function NextSeqNumber
code? Also, what version of Excel are you using?

Others have had trouble implementing the code there, others haven't. The
code is solid, but it does seem that novices can have trouble getting it to
work initially. But it probably provides the two best ways to to deal with

Since you say you're developing something that sounds like could be used by
several different people in various locations. I'd recommend using the
Function NextSeqNumber procedure because of that.

L. Howard Kittle

I was "semi" successful in using Private Sub Workbook_Open routine...

Open a new workbook and name a sheet "Invoice"
Right click on that tab and click View Code.
Double click on ThisWorkbook in the VB Project tree and paste the code in
the large white space.
Now Save As and when the Save As prompt window comes up, click the down
arrow on the "Save as type:" and save as a Template... use a name of your

Now open that newly saved template and you should get the date in B1 and an
invoice number in B2.

Save this "new invoice" to a name of your choice and close it.

Open the Template again and you should get a new workbook with the date in
B1 and the next invoice from the last in B2.

Repeat for the next... etc.

I do not know how to reset the invoice number if necessary and it started
with 0004 for some reason.



You might try opening the workbook, and manually typing in zero ( 0 ) as the
invoice number, then save the workbook. Next time you open it, it should
then assign invoice number 1.

This is also one reason I like the text file a little better: easier to
manage the invoice numbers should they get screwed up, along with allowing
multiple users to create invoices.

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