Invisible App Run




I have the need to run an on demand process (ProcessB) that is invisible.
I can not use a Windows Service unless I can trigger it OnDemand and the
Client will allow me to Install a Windows Service.
The Client is not willing to install a windows service.

So AppA runs ProcessB but ProcessB is invisible to the user and the TaskBar.

AppA can not use ProcessB as a class, can not instantiate it just issues an
event for the Windows OS to run ProcessB.
No Source Code of AppA Available.

What other option do I have.

Now ProcessB is a console Application. But it shows up and visible.

How can I hide ProcessB from not showing up in the TaskBar.
How can I make the Console Window with zero Height and width or Invisible.

Thank You


Marc Gravell

Presumably you are in control of ProcessB? I guess you could simply
recompile it as a win exe, but don't change any code (i.e. don't start
any forms etc - just do the same processing you are doing now). That
way there will be neither a console not a taskbar item.

Sounds fishy, though...




This is done for Cosmetic reasons. What do you mean by fishy?

The Win App compilation works also.

I tried "user32.dll" and show or hide the window. and it works on the Console window.
I like the Win App Compilation Better less complex and less things to go wrong.

I was wondering if there is any other tricks.

thanks you,




If I am to use as WinApp how to pass parameters then.
I can pass a console Args[],



Family Tree Mike

Environment.GetCommandLineArgs will get the passed parameters.

LVP said:

If I am to use as WinApp how to pass parameters then.
I can pass a console Args[],



Marc Gravell said:
Presumably you are in control of ProcessB? I guess you could simply
recompile it as a win exe, but don't change any code (i.e. don't start
any forms etc - just do the same processing you are doing now). That
way there will be neither a console not a taskbar item.

Sounds fishy, though...


Marc Gravell

You can pass a win exe args[]

The only thing you need do is recompile as a win exe ;-p

As for "fishy"; I meant no offence, but we regularly see people with
needs to build stealth apps (usually at corporate's request), which
simply isn't a good way to do things... but if it is just to do some
work as a process, then fine...



Yes nothing Fishy just due to limitations and restrictions and for cosmetics
I have to do that.
Thanks for the help



Thanks Mike, that is good.


Family Tree Mike said:
Environment.GetCommandLineArgs will get the passed parameters.

LVP said:

If I am to use as WinApp how to pass parameters then.
I can pass a console Args[],



Marc Gravell said:
Presumably you are in control of ProcessB? I guess you could simply
recompile it as a win exe, but don't change any code (i.e. don't start
any forms etc - just do the same processing you are doing now). That
way there will be neither a console not a taskbar item.

Sounds fishy, though...



Had a problem like that, using VBA/Word but when running WinZip/Zip I
only put in the instructions to close the black window that appear...
(when finished of course)

didnt bother to figure out how to close it, just put it in the user
istructions instead.

The users must have some important task to preform other than
grumbling about how slow everything is...

Hell, if they want they can have dos/wordstar on a 8088 and two 160k
5,25" floppys back (one for dos/ws and one for documents),
that wasnt so long ago.. well the machine I was thinking about is the
100$ computer - wait... we just did that, we are using thin

now If I only could outfit them with 160KB floppys so they wont fill
up the SAN with .docx junk, that would be perfect... no taking
anything home either, or bringing wiri to work...

//CY Who stole chr$(12)?

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