Invalid RSS created by ASP.NET page



I'm trying to create an RSS feed that is written dynamically by an
ASP.NET page. I know there are several ways to do it, but the quickest
for me was to follow the Scott Mitchell tutorial at

I think the problem is that the <@ page > directive at the top of the
ASP.NET page creates a blank first line in the outputted XML. This
blank line makes the RSS feed invalid, and News Readers such as
NewzCrawler won't parse it.

Is it possible to output xml (or anything for that matter) from an
ASP.NET page with the @ Page directive in without leaving the first
line blank?

Many thanks



Thanks Brock

The <%@Page %> isn't being output to the browser, but line one of the
XML output to the browser is blank, because (i'm guessing) this is
where the directive sits in the .aspx before it delivers its output.
The problem is getting the output from the aspx file to begin on line
one not line 2. Any ideas?



IMO this is because it outputs the line feed that follows the directive.

The first solution I see would be then to have the first tag, just after the
page directive (on the same line)...


Lance R.

I'm trying to create an RSS feed that is written dynamically by an
page. I know there are several ways to do it, but the quickest
for me was to
follow the Scott Mitchell tutorial at

I think the problem is that the <@ page > directive at the top of the
ASP.NET page creates a blank first line in the outputted XML. This
blank line makes the RSS feed invalid, and News Readers such as
NewzCrawler won't parse it.

Is it possible to output xml (or anything for that matter) from an
ASP.NET page with the @ Page directive in without leaving the first
line blank?

Just use Response.Clear first, ie:

Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.Write(rss1.RSSData); //rss1 is the ipworks RSS control in this sample Response.End();

Lance R.
/n software



Patrice, Lance

Thank you both for your ideas, both of which I think would work
depending on how I was doing it. However, sometimes the simplest ideas
are best, and Patrice was spot on. I moved my Repeater object to line
one, like so:

<%@ Page Language="vb" ContentType="text/xml" AutoEventWireup="false"
Codebehind="index.aspx.vb" Inherits="rss.index" %><asp:Repeater
id="RssRepeater" runat="server"><HeaderTemplate><?xml version="1.0"
encoding="UTF-8" ?>

and hey presto, the output starts on line one. So simple, why didn't I
think of it myself?

Thanks guys.


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