Invalid boot.ini




I have a rather rare problem it seems. Ok here we go.
First, when I start my computer, I get the message: Invalid boot.ini but
Windows starts without problems. However, due to a problem (my first in two
years) with a virus, I was asked to start my computer in Safe Mode through
Start > Run > msconfig. And, oh, surprise, the "boot.ini" tab is not there.

Then I tryed it through Control Panel > System > Avanced Options when I hit
the Configure option under "Start and recover" I get an error message stating
that the boot.ini could not be opened.

I remember that two years ago I had a problem with a virus (but I can't
remember which) and Symantec recommended making a small change in the
registry, specifically to the "restore registry" but I am unable to find it

Also, the restore option does not restore the system.

What I want now is simply to have my boot.ini options back, but I don't know
how to do it. There some info about restarting the computer with the Windows
disk in the CD-ROM and rebuilding the boot.ini through the bootcfg / rebuild
command but that requires to start the computer from the CD-ROM but altough I
have searched, I am unable to start the computer from the CD-ROM... any ideas
how to proceed here?

Any help would be much appreciated, but please don't refer me to the usual
MS links, since I have already tried it all without soccess


-----Original Message-----

I have a rather rare problem it seems. Ok here we go.
First, when I start my computer, I get the message: Invalid boot.ini but
Windows starts without problems. However, due to a problem (my first in two
years) with a virus, I was asked to start my computer in Safe Mode through
Start > Run > msconfig. And, oh, surprise,
the "boot.ini" tab is not there.
Then I tryed it through Control Panel > System > Avanced Options when I hit
the Configure option under "Start and recover" I get an error message stating
that the boot.ini could not be opened.

I remember that two years ago I had a problem with a virus (but I can't
remember which) and Symantec recommended making a small change in the
registry, specifically to the "restore registry" but I am unable to find it

Also, the restore option does not restore the system.

What I want now is simply to have my boot.ini options back, but I don't know
how to do it. There some info about restarting the computer with the Windows
disk in the CD-ROM and rebuilding the boot.ini through the bootcfg / rebuild
command but that requires to start the computer from the CD-ROM but altough I
have searched, I am unable to start the computer from the CD-ROM... any ideas
how to proceed here?

Any help would be much appreciated, but please don't refer me to the usual
MS links, since I have already tried it all without soccess
Just try running the system file checker tool, do this
by click the start, run, and type in this; sfc /scannow
with that space, and have your XP CD ready to put in.

Alex Nichol

Jennifer said:
I have a rather rare problem it seems. Ok here we go.
First, when I start my computer, I get the message: Invalid boot.ini but
Windows starts without problems. However, due to a problem (my first in two
years) with a virus, I was asked to start my computer in Safe Mode through
Start > Run > msconfig. And, oh, surprise, the "boot.ini" tab is not there.

Set the BIOS to boot CD before Hard Disk. Boot the XP CD and, instead
of Setup, take the immediate R for Repair. Assume any password
requested is blank, and TAB over.

Attrib -H -R -S C:\boot,ini
DEL C:\boot.ini
to delete any bad one that might still be around - just in case. If
Attrib has file not found, don't bother with the del. Then

BootCfg /Rebuild

to search for Windows installations and make a new one

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