Internet sharing enquiry

Jul 21, 2003
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Hello. This may seem very basic but I would like some advice about allowing two computers to be on broadband internet at the same time. Our house has two pc's 1 win98 and 1 winxp. We currently have one bt ADSL modem which we literally switch between the two computers by whoever gets to it first. This can however, cause conflict. I was wondering what would be needed to enable both to be online at the same time.

The research I have done shows I could do it with a router. Is this method straightforward. BT have a wireless one for £120, but i hope if I need a router I could get a cheaper wirelesss one from ebuyer or somewere similar.



Feb 23, 2002
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You could use the method you suggested, which would be a very easy way of doing things (there is another thread somewhere with a similar question). It would allow you to use the connection at the same time, with either or both PCs.

A cheaper option would be to network the PCs using a standard PCI card + cable (£20 in total), and then use Internet connection sharing on the Windows XP PC. This would mean that the Windows XP PC must be on all the time when the internet connection from either is used though!
Apr 6, 2004
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Hello Ian,

Apologies for asking another really basic question! You mention a "standard PCI card + cable". What is this card and where do I install it?! Does it go in the XP computer (I have a Windows ME computer and an XP one and I also want both to be able to access the internet) and do I have to alter any settings?

Best wishes


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Do it the easy way ... go with a Router

BT probably gave you a USB Modem (sad barstewards) ... what is really needed to allow happy uninterrupted enjoyment is a proper Ethernet Modem (NOT USB) two Ethernet cards (one for each PC) and the cable to connect each PC to the Router.

The computers both then connect to the Router ... the Router connects to the Modem ... both PCs can then access the internet independently of one another ... neither machine need be on to allow the other to connect as it would be for ICS.

Don't tell BT you are connecting two PCs ... just ask them to replace their USB modem with an Ethernet connectable modem as you’re having trouble connecting via USB. ;)

Now if BT DID gave you a modem that can use Ethernet cables then all you’ll need is a network card (Ethernet card NIC card) for both systems and the correct cables can be bought from Maplins.
Apr 19, 2004
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Hello matcrye and mysticmug

If its just two PC's you want to connect to the Internet try looking at my thread Creating a network with two PC's in the General section of the Forum

There's a description of Internet sharing there


hope you find it useful

It applies to all forms of Windows and all forms of Internet connection too

Apr 24, 2004
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using a windows 98 pc and a xp pc together can be kinda annoying sometimes... the best way to do it is what ean said, connecting one computer to the internet and having the other use "internet connection sharing" via the i wish to connect my computer to a lan section of the internet wizard.

however if you going to do things this way then be aware... i have been caught out by this before, some network wires will not let you connect two pc's together for some unknown strange and very annoying reason... so it best to ask an assistant which cables will allow this...

or there is an alternative, which i use and is still cheaper tha buying a router...

i will go through the two ways of doing things...

1: HUB
to connect a hub to your computer is easy, a hub is basically a very small server, and can deal with patching packets (an expression of data sending to the various computers on the internet). a hub is powered with a transformer, and connects all computers up via network cables... you can get hubs in either 10's or 10/100's (the latter is better). they are very easy to set up, and computers are detected almost immediately... this is the method i use and have found it very usefull... and cheaper than a router ;)

routers are small hub-like mini servers, that send and recieve packets of data in 10/100 speeds. much like a hub, although there is a difference, a router has the phone line jacked straight into it, and usually has a built in hardware firewall... very usefull point about routers, and the most cost effective way to firewall your pc (if the router doesnt say "hardware firewall" on the box, maybe you shouldnt buy it, but in some cases you can install a firewall free of charge into the firmware). the downside on these is they are sometimes death himself to setup, and the price isnt right!

on both instanses you need a PCI 10/100 network card... which are damn simple to install... and windows 2k and XP usuall find and install them quickly, with the windows driver database. unless you already have a network card prebuilt into the motherboard (look on the back of your pc, if you see a phone line shaped plug in the back then you already have a network card.


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