internet explorer



The internet explorer that came with XP isn't working. I
also can't access the web through AOL or receive or send
instant messages. I have no buddy list on aol and this all
started approx. 10 days ago.When I try and access the web
it says "No page to display. Action canceled"

Jim Macklin

You need to give a better explanation than "it doesn't work"
to get any real assistance.
What type of Internet connection, dial-up, cable, DSL,
What does the connection properties show? Did you install
some software 10 days ago?

Have you tried a system restore to 11 days ago?

Have you called you ISP for help, maybe they're broken.

The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.

"(e-mail address removed)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| The internet explorer that came with XP isn't working. I
| also can't access the web through AOL or receive or send
| instant messages. I have no buddy list on aol and this all
| started approx. 10 days ago.When I try and access the web
| it says "No page to display. Action canceled"

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