Internet Explorer vs. Netscape.


Chad Gant

I have Windows XP Home Eddition with Internet Explorer 6.0
and value Microsoft's technology, but a friend said he
uses Netscape. I was wondering what the difference is and
which is better. I went to Netscapes home page and
checked that all out but it didn't tell me wheather it
would replace IE6 or not or really much about what it is.
Can someone suggest a site that would describe it better
and in more detail without a bunch of computer jargin? I
don't know very much computer language but I do know how
to navigate anywhere in my computer system.

Bill James

Netscape will not replace Internet Explorer, although it's setup might screw around with file associations, to make it the default browser on your system when you click on a link in email, for example. It's just an alternate Internet browser which was at one time the most commonly used browser but fell way behind in popularity. Starting with Netscape 6 there is less difference between the 2 browsers, but you may still encounter web pages that will not display properly in Netscape. Mainly it's just another flavor, and just like some people like one brand of car over another, both still get you from one place to another about the same.


Bill James
Microsoft MVP - Shell/User

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Rob Schneider

Chad said:
I have Windows XP Home Eddition with Internet Explorer 6.0
and value Microsoft's technology, but a friend said he
uses Netscape. I was wondering what the difference is and
which is better. I went to Netscapes home page and
checked that all out but it didn't tell me wheather it
would replace IE6 or not or really much about what it is.
Can someone suggest a site that would describe it better
and in more detail without a bunch of computer jargin? I
don't know very much computer language but I do know how
to navigate anywhere in my computer system.

You can install Netscape and try it it. You don't have to (or will want
to) replace IE. Use both and decide for yourself. Talk with your
friend about it. Demo it with your friend.

The successor to Netscape (which has sort of "died") is Mozilla
available for free at I personally find it a terrific
browser and I really like the email/newsgroup client. The concept of
web page "tabs" is very powerful if you like to move between links.
Reading something and I see a link I want to read, I just right mouse
click and opend in a new tab in the "background", then when done reading
the original article I simply press the new tab to view the linked
article. Slick interface. Mozilla is free. 1.5 is the current version.

Picking a browser is not a religious issue and you can decide for
yourself. Keep IE no matter what you do, but don't be afraid to try others.


Do you like red apples or green ones? Both accomplish the
same thing. It's more a matter of what you're used to. I
know people who swear by both and they can argue all day
about which is better. I'm a believer that when possible
Microsoft produts work better with microsoft products. At
the very least, if a problem arises, you don't have to
listen to both companies saying it's the others fault.


Chad Gant said:
I have Windows XP Home Eddition with Internet Explorer 6.0
and value Microsoft's technology, but a friend said he
uses Netscape. I was wondering what the difference is and
which is better. I went to Netscapes home page and
checked that all out but it didn't tell me wheather it
would replace IE6 or not or really much about what it is.
Can someone suggest a site that would describe it better
and in more detail without a bunch of computer jargin? I
don't know very much computer language but I do know how
to navigate anywhere in my computer system.

If you'd like to test JUST the browser - and not the mail/news client,
install NetScape 7.1 Standalone from

7.1 will be the last NetScape-branded browser, but the technology upon
which it is based continues to be developed. See
Several other browsers, along with mail/news clients based on that
technology, are being perfected. All are free.

I.M.O., these products are superior to I.E. and Outlook Express. MS has
little incentive to improve these clients, owing to their market
dominance. Features available in Gecko (Mozilla) products include tabbed
browsing, selective pop-up and image rejection, SPAM filters that "learn",
and a much more customizable interface. For an idea of what can be done,


-----Original Message-----
I have Windows XP Home Eddition with Internet Explorer 6.0
and value Microsoft's technology, but a friend said he
uses Netscape. I was wondering what the difference is and
which is better. I went to Netscapes home page and
checked that all out but it didn't tell me wheather it
would replace IE6 or not or really much about what it is.
Can someone suggest a site that would describe it better
and in more detail without a bunch of computer jargin? I
don't know very much computer language but I do know how
to navigate anywhere in my computer system.
I have xp pro and down loaded Netscape 7.1 because of the
excessive amount of pop up messages on IE. Netscape
eliminated the pop ups and does a great job on filtering
spam from the E-mail. Try it you will like it. Just go to
the Netscape web page and download the browser.


Rob said:
You can install Netscape and try it it. You don't have to (or will want
to) replace IE. Use both and decide for yourself. Talk with your
friend about it. Demo it with your friend.

The successor to Netscape (which has sort of "died") is Mozilla
available for free at I personally find it a terrific
browser and I really like the email/newsgroup client. The concept of
web page "tabs" is very powerful if you like to move between links.
Reading something and I see a link I want to read, I just right mouse
click and opend in a new tab in the "background", then when done reading
the original article I simply press the new tab to view the linked
article. Slick interface. Mozilla is free. 1.5 is the current version.

Picking a browser is not a religious issue and you can decide for
yourself. Keep IE no matter what you do, but don't be afraid to try

I agree, IE is a leaky orphan slated to be abandoned by its patriarch.
Mozilla is a better Netscape which most people don't realize (that
Netscape) was around long before there was an IExplorer.



dev said:
Chad Gant said:

If you'd like to test JUST the browser - and not the mail/news client,
install NetScape 7.1 Standalone from

7.1 will be the last NetScape-branded browser, but the technology upon
which it is based continues to be developed. See
Several other browsers, along with mail/news clients based on that
technology, are being perfected. All are free.

I.M.O., these products are superior to I.E. and Outlook Express. MS has
little incentive to improve these clients, owing to their market
dominance. Features available in Gecko (Mozilla) products include tabbed
browsing, selective pop-up and image rejection, SPAM filters that "learn",
and a much more customizable interface. For an idea of what can be done,

But the mail/news client is the best part of Mozilla. Last time I looked
Outlook didn't do news and Outhouse Express is a joke.


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