Internet Explorer version help?



I am running XP SP2 with IE 7. I am trying to install an application but it
tells me, " You must be running IE 5.5 SP2 or higher to install this
software" I't can't be the software because I installed it on my Desktop PC
w/o any problems. Where can I make an adjustment to let this software know
that the version of IE I'm running is greater than 5.5????

PA Bear

(Courtesey of MVP Mike Burgess) Several of these are known to cause the

1) Zone Alarm Pro [Private Header Info - enabled?]: Reset "Ad Blocking" and
"Cookie Control" to "medium" "Mobile Code Control" = Off

2) Symantec (ISS\NIS) [Enable Browser Privacy - enabled] Active Content -
"Allow All Scripts To Execute". Problem: some sites cannot detect the 128
encryption Solution: Completely remove and reinstall NIS.

3) Any "ad blocking" software that blocks "http_referer" or contains entries
that are blocking access to the desired site.

4) HOSTS file that contains entries that are blocking access to the desired

5) Cookie blocking software blocking "required" Cookies.

6) Pop-up blockers stripping header\url info.

7) WebWasher Standard Filter/URL Filter

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Madmedic said:
I am running XP SP2 with IE 7. I am trying to install an application but it
tells me, " You must be running IE 5.5 SP2 or higher to install this
software" I't can't be the software because I installed it on my Desktop
w/o any problems. Where can I make an adjustment to let this software know
that the version of IE I'm running is greater than 5.5????

Make the application think you have IE6:
Internet Explorer 7 User Agent String

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