internet explorer - unable to access tools>internet options...



When in IE6 and attempting to open Tools>Internet options
I get a "restrictions" dialog box saying " This operation
has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this
computer. Please contact your" sys admin.
I'm running XP Home and have run a current virus scan
(Norton) and spy-ware check (S&D). MS Knowledge Base
referred to XP setting restriction thru group objects,
but MMC (I'd never used that before) didn't show anything
and regedit has had no entries for group objects under
windows>current version.
I found a partial work around - by going to IE6
Help>Contents and Index>Options>Internet Options... it
will open the internet options dialog box and let me
access temp files and history, but not Home Page items.
Any ideas?? - Thanx much


Doug - Your utility WORKED GREAT--THANX!!!
-----Original Message-----
See, Win XP Utilities, Windows XP
Security Console. This restriction, and many others, can
be controlled with this application. Also see for AdAware
Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows XP/ Windows Smart Display
Win 95/98/Me/XP Tweaks and Fixes
Per user Group Policy Restrictions for XP Home and XP Pro
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